
Student Finance and Wellbeing Study (SFWS) Scotland 2023-2024: main report

Student Finance and Wellbeing Study Scotland for academic year 2023 to 2024 explores student’s financial experiences whilst studying at college and university in Scotland.


Term used in the report


Bursary/ grant

A non-repayable form of financial support which can be both means-tested or non-means-tested.

FE student

Students enrolled on Further Education (FE) level courses and studying at colleges.

HN/undergraduate student

Students enrolled on Higher National Certificates or Higher National Diplomas at colleges or universities, and undergraduate degree programmes at universities.

Living cost loan

A repayable form of financial support for living costs which is means-tested and administered by the Student Loans Company.

Postgraduate student

Students enrolled on Masters programmes, Postgraduate Certificates (PG Certs), Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) programmes or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes at universities.

Students from under-represented groups

This refers to students in this study who are estranged from their parents/ legal guardians/ carers, care experienced students, disabled students, student carers and student parents.

Tuition fee loan

A non-means-tested repayable form of financial support which goes towards the costs of tuition.

Acronyms used in the report

ASN Additional Support Needs

AY Academic Year

CESB Care Experienced Student Bursary

CoWA Commission on Widening Access

DfE Department for Education (UK Government)

DWP Department for Work and Pensions (UK Government)

EMA Education Maintenance Allowance

ESB Estranged Student Bursary

FE Further Education

FEB Further Education Bursary

FTE Full Time Equivalent

HE Higher Education

HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency

HNC Higher National Certificate

HND Higher National Diploma

ISA Individual Savings Account

ISB Independent Student Bursary

LPCG Lone Parents Childcare Grant

NMPH Non-Medical Personal Help

NUS National Union of Students

PGDE Professional Graduate Diploma in Education

PNMSB Paramedic, Nursing and Midwifery Student Bursary

PTFG Part-Time Fee Grant

RAG Research Advisory Group for this study

REC Research Ethics Committee

SAAS Student Awards Agency Scotland

SCQF Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework

SFC Scottish Funding Council

SFWS Student Finance and Wellbeing Study (i.e. this study)

SIES Student Income and Expenditure Survey

SIMD Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation

SLC Student Loans Company

SVQ Scottish Vocational Qualification

UKRI UK Research and Innovation

YSB Young Student Bursary



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