Student Finance and Wellbeing Study (SFWS) Scotland 2023-2024: research findings summary
Provides an overview of the Student Finance and Wellbeing Study Scotland for academic year 2023 to 2024, and presents the main findings on student’s financial experiences whilst studying at college and university in Scotland, conclusions and policy considerations
The Student Finance and Wellbeing Study is a mixed methods study of Scottish domiciled students aged 16 and over attending further and higher education (including postgraduate) courses at colleges and universities in Scotland. The study covered both full-time and part-time students.
The research consisted of an online representative survey with an achieved sample of 2429 students from 16 Scottish colleges and 16 Scottish universities, combined with follow-up qualitative interviews (with 30 participants) and five focus groups (with 23 participants). The survey fieldwork ran from 30th October to 22nd December 2023. The qualitative fieldwork ran from 20th November 2023 to 14th February 2024.
For more information on the methodology, including strengths and limitations and notes on interpreting the findings and comparing data, please refer to the study’s full findings report and technical report.
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