Student Finance and Wellbeing Study (SFWS) Scotland 2023-2024: research findings summary

Provides an overview of the Student Finance and Wellbeing Study Scotland for academic year 2023 to 2024, and presents the main findings on student’s financial experiences whilst studying at college and university in Scotland, conclusions and policy considerations


[i] Costa, C. et al. (2020) ‘Estranged students in higher education: navigating social and economic capitals’, Cambridge Journal of Education, 50(1), pp. 107–123; ScotCen (2022) Research to understand the experiences of estranged students in further and higher education in Scotland; Minty, S. and Vertigans, S. (2021) Accessing Robert Gordon University: The experiences of students from disadvantaged backgrounds. Robert Gordon University.

[ii] ScotCen (2022) Research to understand the experiences of estranged students in further and higher education in Scotland.

[iii] As only 4% of postgraduates had received discretionary funding the bases were too low to calculate the median income from discretionary funding.

[iv] Student Information Scotland website, Studying and working part-time - Student Information Scotland

[v] NatCen (2023) Student Income and Expenditure Survey: 2021 to 2022.

[vi] Scottish Government (2009) Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland 2007-08

[vii] NUS Scotland (2022) Broke: How Scotland is failing its students.

[viii] Scottish Government (2022) Student experiences of financial support in summer 2021: insights.

[ix] Trussell Trust (2023) Hunger in the UK

[x] NUS Scotland (2023) Fighting for students: the cost of survival; Save The Student (2023) Student Money Survey 2023 – Results - Save the Student.

[xi] NUS Scotland (2022) Broke: How Scotland is failing its students.

[xii] Save the Student (2022) Student Money Survey 2022 – Results,

[xiii] Maguire, C. and Cameron, J. (2022) Thriving Learners: Initial Findings from Scottish HEIs. Mental Health Foundation.

[xiv] Maguire, C. et al. (2022) Thriving Learners: Initial findings from Scottish Colleges. Mental Health Foundation.

[xv] NUS Scotland (2022) Broke: How Scotland is failing its students.

[xvi] Scottish Government (2009) Higher and further education students' income, expenditure and debt in Scotland 2007-08.

[xvii] Scottish Funding Council (2024) Report on Widening Access 2022-23.



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