Student mental health action plan

Plan to address student mental health, through effective collaborative working across colleges, universities, NHS Boards, Integrated Joint Boards, Public Health Scotland, Health and Social Care Partnerships, and the third sector.


This Action Plan is closely aligned with the Scottish Government’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and shares the following working definitions of commonly used terms, as agreed upon following consultation with stakeholders:

Mental health is a part of our overall health, alongside our physical health. It is what we experience every day, and like physical health, it ebbs and flows daily. Good mental health means we can realise our full potential and feel safe and secure. It also means we thrive in everyday life.

Mental wellbeing is our internal positive view that we are coping well psychologically with the everyday stresses of life and can work productively and fruitfully. We feel happy and live our lives the way we choose.

Mental illness is a health condition that affects emotions, thinking and behaviour, which substantially interferes with or limits our life. If left untreated, mental illnesses can significantly impact daily living, including our ability to work, care for family, and relate and interact with others.

Mental illness is a term used to cover several conditions (e.g. depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia) with different symptoms and impacts for varying lengths of time for each person. Mental illnesses can range from mild through to severe illnesses that can be lifelong.

Mental wellbeing, mental health and mental illness are linked to a combination of factors covering biology (e.g. genetics, health and neurodiversity), psychology (e.g. thoughts, emotions and beliefs) and social factors (e.g. culture, poverty and discrimination). These three areas combine with a person's life experiences to impact our state of mind. This impact varies over time, does not progress in a straight line and is specific to an individual.



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