Feasibility of extending SeabORD to the entire breeding season: study
SeabORD is a method that can assess displacement and barrier effects from offshore renewables on seabirds, but is currently limited to four species during the chick-rearing season. This review examined ways to improve the SeabORD model including extending to the entire breeding season.
Appendix C: Structure of the models used in Daunt et al. (2020)
In Daunt et al. (2020) survival probability for an individual bird, indexed by i, of a particular species with standardised mass Xi at the end of the breeding season of year k was modelled using the equation
(Equation 5)
in which the parameters parameters , and define a quadratic regression pseudo-age (years since first observed successful breeding), the parameter defines the effect of variation in (standardised) bird-specific mass Xi, and Qk encapsulates all year-specific effects in a single term. Note that Daunt et al 2018 actually index year by the letter j, but as j is used for scenario (synonymous with run) in this chapter, we have used the letter k for year instead.
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