
Suckler Beef Climate Scheme: final report

Final report from the Suckler Beef Climate Group on development and delivery recommendations for sustainable suckler beef production in Scotland.

10. Quality standard trademark

The standards of production to which participants will have to adhere as part of the minimum scheme requirements and through the various management options are deliberately stringent in order to encourage Scottish suckler beef farmers to take every step possible to achieve an optimum balance between environmental and economic sustainability whilst working towards the common net zero emissions target.

In order to recognise the efforts and achievements made by participating businesses, and to offer them a means of promoting their produce to the end consumer as climate-friendly food produced within an environmentally sustainable farming system, work is ongoing to register trademarks and certification marks to deliver this quality standard in collaboration with Quality Meat Scotland (QMS). Consumers will have reassurance that the product label represents sustainable beef production, and the SBCS can therefore act as an accreditation on top of the already widely recognised and important Scotch PGI brand. This will ensure that the industry responds to consumer concerns and trends through the provision of properly labelled, climate and environmentally friendly Scottish produce, and may help to generate a premium price for a premium product.

Potential for this will be explained more fully once the registration process has been completed over the next few weeks.



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