
Suckler Beef Climate Scheme: final report

Final report from the Suckler Beef Climate Group on development and delivery recommendations for sustainable suckler beef production in Scotland.

16. Annex

The Suckler Beef Climate Group received a large number of literature to help inform its proposal for the SBCS. This includes various presentations that were given to the group along with responses being submitted by industry bodies, organisations and private individuals following the publication of a call for evidence. Further literature includes already published research documents, studies and discussion papers.

For the purpose of this report, the following attachments summarise the presentations given to the group as well as any documentation received in response to the call for evidence and specifically written up as evidence for the SBCS. Additional e-mail correspondence and documents that are already publicly available also proved an extremely valuable source of information but are not included within the overview.

The Annex is available to download from the supporting files.



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