
Suckler Beef Climate Scheme: final report

Final report from the Suckler Beef Climate Group on development and delivery recommendations for sustainable suckler beef production in Scotland.


1. Source: June Agricultural Census 2019 ( )

2. Source: June Agricultural Census 2005 ( )

3. Source: June Agricultural Census 2000 ( )

4. This figure is based on standard labour requirements associated with beef cattle and grassland management

5. MOXEY A. (2016). An assessment of the economic contribution of Scotland's red meat supply chain. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 1st October 2020).

6. Source: Economic Report on Scottish Agriculture (

7. Source: Agriculture in the United Kingdom 2019 ( )

8. Source: Eurostat – Agriculture, forestry and fishery statistics – 2019 edition ( )

9. THOMSON S., MOXEY A. (2020). Estimated SBCS effects within the National GHG 'Smart' Inventory. Edinburgh: SRUC.

10. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

11. VIVID ECONOMICS (2019). A climate of possibility: Harnessing Scotland's natural resources to end our contribution to climate change. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 4th July 2020)

12. LAMPKIN N., SMITH L., PADEL K. (2019). Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 4th July 2020)

13. a reduced emissions intensity means a lower level of greenhouse gas emissions per unit of output

14. COMMITTEE ON CLIMATE CHANGE (2020). Land use: Policies for a Net Zero UK. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 9th October 2020)

15. VIVID ECONOMICS (2019). A climate of possibility: Harnessing Scotland's natural resources to end our contribution to climate change. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 4th July 2020)

16. LAMPKIN N., SMITH L., PADEL K. (2019). Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 4th July 2020)

17. CLIMATE EMERGENCY RESPONSE GROUP (2020). Funding the 12 immediate actions for Scotland's Climate Emergency Response. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 4th July 2020)

18. Further information available via following weblink:

19. Further details regarding the 'Statutory Management Requirements (SMRs) 2020' are available via following weblink: (last accessed 14th July 2020)

20. Further details regarding the 'Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs) 2020' are available via following weblink: (last accessed 14th July 2020)

21. The QMS standards are available via following weblink (last accessed 2nd October 2020).

22. MACLEOD M., LEINONEN I., WALL E., HOUDIJK J., EORY V., BURNS J., VOSOUGH AHMADI B., GOMEZ-BARBERO M. (2019). Impact of animal breeding on GHG emissions and farm economics. [Online] Available from: repository/bitstream/JRC117897/jrc_report_29844.pdf (last accessed 1st July 2020)

23. DEFRA (2008). A study of the scope for the application of research in animal genomics and breeding to reduce nitrogen and methane emissions from livestock based food chains. Research Project Final Report. [Online] Available from: Default.aspx?Menu=Menu&Module=More&Location=None&Completed=0&ProjectID=14662 (last accessed 1st July 2020)

24. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

25. GERAGHTY T. (2020). 2019 Calf Loss Project Final Report. Edinburgh: SRUC.

26. LAMPKIN N., SMITH L., PADEL K. (2019). Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

27. DEFRA (2008). A study of the scope for the application of research in animal genomics and breeding to reduce nitrogen and methane emissions from livestock based food chains. Research Project Final Report. [Online] Available from: Default.aspx?Menu=Menu&Module=More&Location=None&Completed=0&ProjectID=14662 (last accessed 1st July 2020)

28. HEWITT S. (2018). A pilot project to evaluate key performance indicators for suckler herds and growing and finishing beef enterprises in England. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

29. DEFRA (2006). Environmental Key Performance Indicators. Reporting Guidelines for UK Business. [Online] Available from: uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/69281/pb11321-envkpi-guidelines-060121.pdf (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

30. Source of information:

31. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

32. GERAGHTY T. (2020). 2019 Calf Loss Project Final Report. Edinburgh: SRUC.

33. LAMPKIN N., SMITH L., PADEL K. (2019). Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

34. DEFRA (2008). A study of the scope for the application of research in animal genomics and breeding to reduce nitrogen and methane emissions from livestock based food chains. Research Project Final Report. [Online] Available from: Default.aspx?Menu=Menu&Module=More&Location=None&Completed=0&ProjectID=14662 (last accessed 1st July 2020)

35. Source of information:

36. GERAGHTY T. (2020). 2019 Calf Loss Project Final Report. Edinburgh: SRUC.

37. CHENOWETH P. J., McPHERSON F. J. (2016). Bull breeding soundness, semen evaluation and cattle productivity. [Online] Available from: 297617886_Bull_breeding_soundness_semen_evaluation_and_cattle_productivity (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

38. Source of information:

39. Details available via: PENNY C. D. (2010). The BCVA's bull pre-breeding examination certificate. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 2nd July 2020)

40. WALL E. (n. d.). Innovation: improving livestock productivity. Edinburgh: SRUC.

41. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

42. HAILU G. (2018). The role of animal genomics in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Ottawa (Canada): The Canadian Agri-Food Policy Institute (CAPI)

43. HYSLOP DR. J., ROEHE PROF. R. (2017). Net Feed Efficiency in Stabiliser Cattle. Edinburgh: SRUC.

44. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

45. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

46. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

47. EORY V., MACLEOD M., TOPP C. F. E., REES R. M., WEBB J., MCVITTIE A., WALL E., BORTHWICK F., WATSON C., WATERHOUSE A., WILTSHIRE J., BELL H., MORAN D., DEWHURST R. (2015). Review and update of the UK agriculture marginal abatement cost curve to assess the greenhouse gas abatement potential for the 5th carbon budget period and to 2050. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th October 2020)

48. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

49. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

50. LEINONEN I., MACLEOD M., BELL J. (2018). Effects of alternative uses of distillery by-products on the greenhouse gas emissions of Scottish malt whisky production: a system expansion approach. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th October 2020)

51. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

52. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

53. More information can be accessed via following weblink

54. More information can be accessed via following weblink

55. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

56. CRAIG ROBINSON VETS (2020). Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR). [Online] Available from: (last accessed 30th June 2020)

57. ZOETIS UK LTD (2013). Is your herd protected against IBR? [Online] Available from: (last accessed 30th June 2020)

58. More information can be accessed via following weblink

59. BARTLEY D. J., SKUCE P. J., ZADOKS R. N., MACLEOD M. (2016). Endemic sheep and cattle diseases and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 10th October 2020).

60. ADAS UK LTD (2013). Economic Impact of Health and Welfare Issues in Beef Cattle and Sheep in England. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 29th June 2020)

61. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

62. HAMMER T. J., FIERER N., HARDWICK B., SIMOJOKI A., SLADE E., TAPONEN J., VILJANEN H., ROSLIN T. (2016). Treating cattle with antibiotics affects greenhouse gas emissions, and microbiota in dung and dung beetles. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 30th June 2020)

63. AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT BOARD (2019). Antimicrobial resistance – Using antibiotics responsibly. [Online] Available from: AntimicrobialResistance.pdf (last accessed 22nd June 2020)

64. CATTLE HEALTH AND WELFARE GROUP - ANTIMICROBIAL USAGE SUBGROUP (n.d.). Measuring and comparing the use of antibiotics on beef farms Cattle Health and Welfare Group Antimicrobial Usage Subgroup (CHAWG AMU) Consultation Document. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 22nd June 2020)

65. Further information can be accessed via following weblink

66. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

67. COWS (CONTROL OF WORMS SUSTAINABLY) (2014). Administering wormers (anthelmintics) effectively. [Online] Available from: uploads/2018/04/Administering-wormers-anthelmintics-effectively.pdf (last accessed 30th June 2020)

68. COWS (CONTROL OF WORMS SUSTAINABLY) (2020). Control of lungworm in cattle. [Online] Available from: lungworm-231219.pdf (last accessed 30th June 2020)

69. COWS (CONTROL OF WORMS SUSTAINABLY) (2020). Control of roundworms in cattle. [Online] Available from: roundworm-140120.pdf (last accessed 30th June 2020)

70. COWS (CONTROL OF WORMS SUSTAINABLY) (2020). Integrated parasite control on cattle farms. [Online] Available from: integrated-control-190520-FINAL.pdf (last accessed 30th June 2020)

71. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

72. ADAS UK LTD (2014). Study to model the impact of controlling endemic cattle diseases and conditions on national cattle productivity, agricultural performance and greenhouse gas emissions. [Online] Available from: &Module= More&Location=None&ProjectID=17791&FromSearch=Y&Status=3&Publisher =1&SearchText=greenhouse gas&SortString=StartMth&SortOrder=Desc&Paging=10# Description (last accessed 18th June 2020)

73. SKUCE P. J., BARTLEY D. J., ZADOKS R. N., MACLEOD M. (2016). Livestock Health and Greenhouse Gas Emissions. [Online] Available from: media/2031/livestock_health_ and_greenhouse gas.pdf (last accessed 29th June 2020)

74. SHAABAN M., WU Y., WU L., HU RONGGUI., YOUNAS A., NUNEZ-DELGADO A., XU P., SUN Z., LIN S., XU X., JIANG Y. (2020). The Effects of pH Change through Liming on Soil N2O Emissions. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

75. HENAULT C., BOURENNANE H., AYZAC A., RATIE C., SABY N. P. A., COHAN J.-P., EGLIN T., LE GALL C. (2019). Management of soil pH promotes nitrous oxide reduction and thus mitigates soil emissions of this greenhouse gas. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th October 2020)

76. CROOKS B., SINCLAIR A., EDWARDS T. (2019). Liming materials and recommendations (Technical Note TN714). [Onli

ne] Available from: (last accessed 9th July 2020)

77. SILVA-OLAYA A. M., CERRI C. E. P., LA SCALA JR N., DIAS C. T. S., CERRI C. C. (2013). Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

78. SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT (2009). The Scottish Soil Framework. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 9th July 2020)

79. PAYTON L., WHITE L., MICHIE D. (n.d.). Seven ways to save our soils: Scotland. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 9th July 2020)

80. CORSI S., FRIEDRICH T., KASSAM A., PISANTE M., DE MORAES SA J. (2012). Soil organic carbon accumulation and greenhouse gas emissions reductions from conservation agriculture: a literature review. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 10th October 2020)

81. LEFÈVRE C., REKIK F., ALCANTARA V., WIESE L. (2017). Soil organic carbon; the hidden potential. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

82. ZOMER R. J., BOSSIO D. A., SOMMER R., VERCHOT L. V. (2017). Global sequestration potential of increased organic carbon in cropland soils. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th October 2020)

83. SILVA-OLAYA A. M., CERRI C. E. P., LA SCALA JR N., DIAS C. T. S., CERRI C. C. (2013). Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

84. MANGALASSERY S., SJÖGERSTEN S., SPARKES D. L., STURROCK C. J., CRAIGON J., MOONEY S. J. (2014). To what extent can zero tillage lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from temperate soils? [Online] Available from:,For%20example%2C%20Hermle%20et%20al.&text=observed%20net%20carbon%20sequestration%20to,20%20years%20of%20no%20tillage. (last accessed 8th July 2020)

85. MATHEW R. P., FENG Y., GITHINJI L., ANKUMAH R., BALKCOM K. S. (2012). Impact of No-Tillage and Conventional Tillage Systems on Soil Microbial Communities. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

86. GARNETT T. (2010). Food Climate Research Network – Soil carbon sequestration workshop: Summary of discussion. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 6th July 2020)

87. TALLMAN S. (2012). No-Till Case Study, Brown's Ranch: Improving Soil Health Improves the Bottom Line. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 7th July 2020)

88. SILVA-OLAYA A. M., CERRI C. E. P., LA SCALA JR N., DIAS C. T. S., CERRI C. C. (2013). Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

89. SILVA-OLAYA A. M., CERRI C. E. P., LA SCALA JR N., DIAS C. T. S., CERRI C. C. (2013). Carbon dioxide emissions under different soil tillage systems in mechanically harvested sugarcane. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 8th July 2020)

90. JENSEN E. S., PEOPLES M. B., BODDEY R., GRESSHOFF P., HAUGGAARD-NIELSEN, ALVES, MORRISON M. (2012). Legumes for mitigation of climate change and the provision of feedstock for biofuels and biorefineries. A review. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th October 2020)

91. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

92. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

93. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

94. LAMPKIN N., SMITH L., PADEL K. (2019). Delivering on Net Zero: Scottish Agriculture. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 13th July 2020)

95. WILTSHIRE J. (2018). Slurry storage on Scottish farms – a feasibility study. [Online] Available from: (last accessed 11th July 2020)

96. CATCHMENT SENSITIVE FARMING (n.d.). Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Slurry Storage on Dairy Farms. London: Defra.

97. SILSOE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (2000). The effects of covering slurry stores on emissions of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide. London: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

98. MOORBY J. M., CHADWICK D. R., SHOLEFIELD D., CHAMBERS B. J., WILLIAMS J. R. (2007). A review of research to identify best practice for reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture and land management. London: Defra.

99. CATCHMENT SENSITIVE FARMING (n.d.). Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Slurry Storage on Dairy Farms. London: Defra.

100. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

101. MOORBY J. M., CHADWICK D. R., SHOLEFIELD D., CHAMBERS B. J., WILLIAMS J. R. (2007). A review of research to identify best practice for reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture and land management. London: Defra.

102. MOORBY J. M., CHADWICK D. R., SHOLEFIELD D., CHAMBERS B. J., WILLIAMS J. R. (2007). A review of research to identify best practice for reducing greenhouse gases from agriculture and land management. London: Defra.

103. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

104. BELL J., BEATON C., YOUNG M., HILL G., STOUT D., SELLARS A., THOMSON S., SPENCER M., MOXEY A. (2020). Suckler Beef Climate Change Group – Farm Carbon Case Studies. Edinburgh: SRUC

105. The full report can be downloaded via following weblink:

106. NATIONAL BEEF ASSOCIATION (2020). Proposal to increase UK beef production and efficiency in conjunction with a reduction in CO2 emissions. Hexham: National Beef Association.

107. LYNCH J., CAIN M., PIERREHUMBERT R., ALLEN M. (2020). Demonstrating GWP*: a means of reporting warming-equivalent emissions that captures the contrasting impacts of short- and long-lived climate pollutants. Environ. Res. Lett. 15 044023

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