
Suicide prevention action plan: 2023 to 2024 priorities

Priorities for year one (2023 to 2024) from Creating Hope Together: Scotland's suicide prevention action plan (June 2023).

We, together with CoSLA, published the Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention strategy 2022 to 2032 in September 2022. Read more about our work to prevent suicide in our policy pages.

Year one priorities

Our priorities for the first year of the accompanying suicide prevention action plan 2023 to 2024 have been informed by stakeholders, research, and importantly people with lived experience.

In year one we will:

  • activate the whole of Government and society policy package - so that a wide range of Government policies and their delivery on the ground - are working to prevent suicide. We will make the strongest connections possible with policies which address the social determinants of suicide, such as poverty and homelessness. We will also make sure we use all the touchpoints that people have with services to proactively be alert to suicide risk, and offer compassionate support.
  • focus on improving safety at key locations of concern for suicide
  • build on the Time Space Compassion approach, to keep improving the way people are supported and cared for when they are suicidal. We will focus our work in primary care, unscheduled care, and community settings
  • support new peer support groups right across Scotland
  • build more understanding of suicide risk and behaviour amongst children and young people, and use that to improve responses
  • keep raising awareness and improving learning about suicide.  We will  target our work so we build this understanding in sectors that support groups with a higher risk of suicide. Our current work in West Highlands and Skye will help us build greater understanding of what encourages particular groups to seek help
  • develop an online portal which hosts information and advice on suicide, to help people who may be suicidal and anyone worried for someone, as well as professionals
  • roll-out suicide reviews and improve data to help redesign the way support is given to people who are suicidal - ensuring that support is both timely and effective
  • work with partners in high risk settings for suicide, to build effective and compassionate suicide prevention action plans
  • step up our United to Prevent Suicide social movement with a new focus on boosting employer engagement, and reaching groups most likely to be affected by suicide. We will continue to be creative, using different mediums, such as sport and social media, to tackle stigma and create ways for people to talk safely about suicide

In taking forward these actions we will continue to put lived experience at the heart of our work. Our lived experience panel, youth advisory group, and local groups too, will continue to shape every step we take.

Alongside these priorities we will also continue to deliver the previous suicide prevention action plan, which includes rolling out bereavement support for families bereaved by suicide.

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