Suicide Prevention Scotland Delivery of Creating Hope Together Year 1 - Annual report 2023-2024

This annual report from Suicide Prevention Scotland, covers progress on the first year of delivery of Scotland's Suicide Prevention Strategy, Creating Hope Together.

Appendix 5: Suicide Prevention Funding Allocations 2023-2024

Area of work/project Funding allocated (£)
Creating Hope Together Strategy
Delivery of CHT 840,750
Staffing 222,000
Research 194,636
Implementation Leads 294,939
Lived Experience Panels 201,450
Peer Support 111,365
Suicide Prevention Scotland Comms 52,800
Total 1,917,940
Ongoing Work
Legacy programmes (ASIST/safeTALK/SMHFA) 70,000
UTPS 25,000
Bereavement support pilot 255,000
Bereavement support pilot evaluation 18,000
Surviving Suicidal Thoughts vlogs on NHS inform 40,500
Workplace Support 33,560
Time Space Compassion Lead and TSC spend 100,000
Online Chat (TBC) 30,000
Events etc 10,000
Total 582,060



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