
Occasional Paper: Summary Characteristics of UK Armed Forces Veterans - Scotland's Census 2022

A report presenting census data which demonstrates differences between Scotland’s veteran and non-veteran population, based on providing high-level statistics on veterans’ demographic characteristics.



A person's age on Census Day, 20 March 2022.

Armed Forces Veteran

A person who has previously served in the UK Armed Forces.

Council Area

There are 32 council areas in Scotland. Councils provide public services, including education, social care, waste management, libraries and planning.

Country of Birth

The country in which a person was born.


A health problem or disability which limits a person’s day-to-day activities and has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months.

Ethnic Group

A classification of people according to their own perceived ethnic group and/or cultural background.


This is a person’s current religious denomination or body that they belong to, or if the person does not have a religion, ‘No Religion’. No determination is made about whether a person was a practising member of a religion. Unlike other census questions where missing answers are imputed, this question was voluntary, and where no answer was provided the response is categorised as ‘not stated’.

Regular Armed Forces

People who serve full-time and maintain military readiness at all times. They form the main armed force of a country.

Reserve Armed Forces

Typically volunteers who maintain their regular jobs and lifestyle but can be called in for active duty when needed.


This is the sex recorded by the person completing the census. The options were "Female" and "Male".



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