
Chief Medical Officer for Scotland’s Annual Report summary 2017-2018: annex

The Chief Medical Officer's A Summary of the Health of the Nation provides data on some of the key issues related to Scotland’s health.

Part B – 6 Public Health Priorities

The 6 Public Health Priorities for Scotland have been developed by the Scottish Government and by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA), and were published as part of the Public Health Reform Programme in 2018.[3]

The agreed priorities reflect the important public health challenges that we must focus on over the next decade to improve the health of the nation.

In this report, I consider each of these priorities in turn. As all of the priorities are complex and interdependent and as this is a summary report, I have not attempted to examine the priority areas in comprehensive detail. Rather, I have focused on a selection of patterns of health which relate to the priority areas and have provided an overview of these.

6 Public Health Priorities



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