Social care support reform: summary of discussion paper responses

Analysis of responses to the joint discussion paper from Scottish Government and COSLA on building a national programme to support adult social care reform.

7. How will the shared vision/outcomes be achieved?

Stakeholders were also asked to give their views on how a shared vision/outcomes would be realised. Most of the themes discussed have already been covered in the sections above. These are:

  • Increased investment in social care
  • More/better partnership working
  • Addressing diverse issues and opportunities around workforce/staffing
  • Changing perceptions around social care and raising awareness of its value
  • Community development
  • Further development and uptake of digital/technology
  • Ensuring people can be cared for in their communities
  • Taking a human rights-based approach to the policy around, and provision of, adult social care support
  • Strong, collective and diverse leadership
  • Sharing best practice
  • Co-production with people who use social care support
  • Collaboration and coordination
  • Promoting and embedding preventative approaches
  • Consistent and full implementation of the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013

In addition to these common themes, other specific suggestions were:

  • Creating the 'right' organisational cultures – the importance of organisational culture, and creating an environment that will support reform:

"Create an environment and culture where inter-disciplinary and relationship-based care can operate and successfully deliver person-led care and support" (quote from the independent sector)

  • Embedding the Health and Social Care Standards

"To some extent, this vision [the respondent's suggested vision, namely that 'every person, in every community, can experience high quality care and support which supports their wellbeing in a way that suits them'] is developed further in the Health and Social Care Standards and embedding these in practice, planning, provision and importantly in commissioning activity will help to deliver this." (quote from the public sector)

  • Creating and responding to feedback mechanisms – developing the way in which feedback is listened and responded to, in order to learn from experience and create a continuous cycle of improvement to achieve the shared vision for adult social care:

"Development of an integrated and simple feedback and improvement framework (not just a 'complaints system') that speeds up the process and taps into the person's experience, by asking them to contribute their ideas for improvement. This will introduce a positive aspect to a usually negative process and represents true co production." (quote from a third sector organisation)

  • Using and supporting the tools created by the integration of health and social care – embedding the shared vision in local strategic commissioning plans:

"[the vision] should be incorporated in the IJB [Integration Joint Boards] Strategic Plans and through local commissioning plans and embedded in the activities of locality improvement groups. It does need a governmental statement of intent with key principles." (quote from the public sector)

"By ensuring local strategic commissioning plans are consistent with the vision and outcomes and have sufficient resource to deliver." (quote from the public sector)



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