
Update of the Licensing (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2007: summary of responses

Summary of responses to a consultation on updating secondary legislation which sets out procedural matters related to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005.


1. The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 regulates the functions of Scottish local authorities and Licensing Boards in relation to licensing the sale of alcohol. The Scottish Ministers have powers under that Act to make secondary legislation in connection with aspects of the alcohol licensing regime.

2. The Licensing (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2007[1] (the ‘Procedure Regulations’) is a piece of secondary legislation which sets out various procedural matters.

3. The Procedure Regulations came into force on 1st February 2008 and have not been amended since their introduction. The Scottish Government continues to work towards simplifying and improving licensing law and practice, which includes reviewing regulations to ensure that they are fit for purpose.

4. In reviewing the Procedure Regulations, the Scottish Government carried out a consultation to invite views from stakeholders and members of the public to assist in their considerations.

5. This summary presents a summary of findings from the analysis of responses to that consultation.

6. There were some comments and recommendations received from respondents which relate to matters which fall outwith the scope of this consultation. These have been noted and will be given consideration by the Scottish Government.

7. The Scottish Government would like to thank all respondents for their contributions.

8. Where granted permission, responses have been published on the
Scottish Government Consultation Hub website.
Select here to view published responses


Email: Alex Kelly

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