Summary Statistics for Follow-up leaver Destinations, No. 1: 2019 Edition

This annual statistical publication provides information on follow-up destinations for 2017/2018 school leavers (S3 to S6).

Chapter 1: Introduction

This publication brings together information on school leaver destinations with pupil characteristics from the pupil census.

School leaver destinations
  • Based on the Skills Development Scotland (SDS) Opportunities for All shared dataset.
  • Used to inform 16+ Learning Choices , and other policy initiativesinitiatives.
Destinations linked to pupil census
  • Destinations data are matched to the pupil census census.
  • The school and pupil information from this lin kage has been used throughout the publication.
  • This enables analysis of destinations by pupil characteristic characteristic.

This is the first ‘Summary Statistics for Follow-up Leaver Destinations’ report following changes to the reporting schedule with a view to better meet user needs.  For more information see Chapter 4.

Statistics on initial school leaver destinations were published in February 2019 here:  School leaver attainment statistics were also published as part of that report.

Information on follow-up destination by highest attainment achieved is now available in the supplementary tables.  A list of these tables is available at background note 5.7.



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