
Summary Statistics for Follow-up Leaver Destinations, No. 3: 2021 Edition

This statistical publication provides information on the follow-up destinations of 2019/20 school leavers from publicly funded schools in Scotland


1. Pupils ages are based on approximate age ranges, more information is available from the Pupil Census supplementary tables.

2. A relatively small number of school leavers identified in the initial leaver cohort are excluded from the follow-up leaver cohort. Further information is available in section 4.3.2.

3. See Pupil Census supplementary table 3.3

4. No One Left Behind: review of employability services sets out the next steps that will be taken to deliver more effective and joined-up employability support across Scotland. As part of this the funding streams associated with Activity Agreements and other programmes are being integrated into a new local employability delivery model managed collaboratively between Scottish Government and Local Government from April 2019.



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