
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.3: 2012 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, pre-school data and school estate data.

Legislation was introduced in November 2010 to limit class sizes for P1 pupils to 25. Table 3.3 shows the number of P1 pupils by class size. Some P1 pupils may be in classes of over 25 due to the inclusion of one or more "excepted pupil" (see background note 3.3).

Table 3.3: Number of P1 pupils by class size, 2006 to 2012

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011(1) 2012
1 - 18 8,164 11,062 11,653 11,796 16,156 16,208 15,713
19 - 20 5,416 8,253 8,066 7,967 5,967 8,025 8,459
21 - 25 20,822 30,311 30,681 29,794 24,568 30,351 32,009
26 or more 16,845 965 1,706 3,611 6,896 609 503

(1) Pupil numbers were corrected on 01 February 2012 to adjust for a two teacher class in P1 which had been treated as a large class.


Email: Kieran Furness

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