
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.3: 2012 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, pre-school data and school estate data.

Table 3.5 shows pupil characteristics. These data are used primarily in equalities monitoring.

89.5 per cent of pupils were recorded as being White-Scottish or White-other British. The largest other ethnic backgrounds include White-Other (3.2 per cent), Asian Pakistani (1.7 per cent) and Mixed (1.0 per cent).

118,034 pupils (17.6 per cent of all pupils) had an additional support need recorded. This will include pupils in special schools and those in mainstream schools with a Co-ordinated Support Plan (CSP), Individualised Education Programme, Child Plan or some other type of support.

Table 3.5: Pupil characteristics: ethnicity, additional support needs and English as an additional language by gender, 2012(1)

Female Male Total
White - Scottish 284,211 294,925 579,136
White - Other British 10,402 10,761 21,163
White - Gypsy/Traveller 447 417 864
White - Other 10,512 11,047 21,559
Mixed 3,461 3,495 6,956
Asian - Indian 1,865 2,065 3,930
Asian - Pakistani 5,564 5,866 11,430
Asian - Bangladeshi 357 357 714
Asian - Chinese 1,379 1,258 2,637
Asian - Other 1,618 1,626 3,244
Caribbean/Black 337 371 708
African 2,054 2,203 4,257
Other 1,449 1,585 3,034
Not known / not disclosed 5,375 5,955 11,330
Additional Support Needs (ASN)
CSP 1,112 2,336 3,448
IEP 13,629 29,218 42,847
Child Plans 2,710 4,525 7,235
Assessed/Declared Disabled 4,895 10,473 15,368
Other 31,064 46,828 77,892
Total pupils with ASN 44,160 73,874 118,034
English as an Additional Language 12,409 13,722 26,131
Total Pupils 329,116 342,102 671,218

(1) Data for ethnicity and English as an Additional Language does not include grant aided special schools.


Email: Kieran Furness

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