
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.3: 2012 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, pre-school data and school estate data.

Data on pre-school, primary and total teachers along with associated pupil teacher ratios for 2010, 2011 and 2012 have been revised to remove teachers who were double counted as a result of working in both sectors. Therefore these figures have been superseded, please use revised figures in the 2013 publication.


Table 2.1 shows the teacher numbers in publicly funded schools for all sectors. There were 22,732 teachers in primary schools, 23,980 in secondary schools, 2,026 in special schools, 1,176 employed centrally and 1,463 in pre-school centres. In 2012, there were 51,257 teachers in local authority schools (including centrally employed teachers), compared to 51,276 in 2011.

Table 2.1: Teachers in publicly funded schools by sector, by LA, 2012(1)

  Pre-school (2) School
Centre-based Home visiting Primary Secondary Special Centrally employed Total
Aberdeen City 104 - 741 741 83 26 1,696
Aberdeenshire 133 - 1,249 1,222 48 29 2,681
Angus 21 - 542 570 - 33 1,166
Argyll & Bute 9 - 418 439 6 - 871
Clackmannanshire 11 1 227 221 29 6 494
Dumfries & Galloway 38 - 604 793 8 127 1,570
Dundee City 43 4 631 691 72 21 1,461
East Ayrshire 20 - 530 559 52 9 1,169
East Dunbartonshire 26 - 478 597 58 27 1,185
East Lothian 61 1 415 468 - 26 970
East Renfrewshire 31 - 505 654 28 7 1,224
Edinburgh City 130 1 1,416 1,488 183 84 3,302
Eilean Siar 9 - 161 179 - 4 353
Falkirk 27 - 722 754 70 18 1,590
Fife 77 6 1,709 1,645 68 69 3,574
Glasgow City 109 1 2,197 2,054 489 219 5,069
Highland 48 5 985 1,230 40 98 2,406
Inverclyde 21 - 324 374 44 5 768
Midlothian 40 3 358 414 28 12 854
Moray 10 - 382 466 - 45 903
North Ayrshire 36 - 597 642 45 28 1,348
North Lanarkshire 72 - 1,626 1,674 211 14 3,597
Orkney Islands 9 - 113 126 - 6 254
Perth & Kinross 39 10 661 635 20 21 1,386
Renfrewshire 17 - 725 774 80 22 1,617
Scottish Borders 39 - 496 513 - 109 1,157
Shetland Islands 16 - 156 176 - 9 356
South Ayrshire 47 - 502 540 25 30 1,144
South Lanarkshire 96 - 1,500 1,529 112 9 3,246
Stirling 22 - 392 479 19 33 945
West Dunbartonshire 8 - 408 430 38 22 906
West Lothian 96 1 947 855 87 9 1,994
All local authorities(3)(4) 1,463 33 22,714 23,929 1,941 1,176 51,257
Grant aided (5) - - 18 51 85 - 153
Total 1,463 33 22,732 23,980 2,026 1,176 51,410

(1) These figures refer to full-time equivalents of teachers - see background notes 3.2, 3.3 and 4.1.

(2) Includes partnership pre-school centres. Data were not collected from five pre-school centres in Inverclyde.

(3) See background note 2.3 for information on double counting of teacher FTE between primary and pre-school centres.

(4) The 2011 all local authorities total teacher FTE was revised to 51,276 on the 3/5/2012 , see background note 3.4

(5) In September 2012 there were eight grant aided schools, one mainstream with primary and secondary departments, and seven special schools. These schools are included in national totals, but are identified separately in local authority level tables.



Email: Kieran Furness

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