
Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No 5: 2014 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare data and school estates data.

Summary Statistics for Schools in Scotland, No.5 2014 Edition

This document is the fifth issue of an annual summary of statistics bulletin that brings together information from the following sources:

  • The annual census of pupils and teachers in publicly funded schools in Scotland, conducted on 23rd September 2014
  • Information on early learning and childcare provision in Scotland, collected in the week commencing 22nd September 2014
  • School Estate survey data for financial year 2013-14, for all schools open on 1st April 2014
  • Information on Attendance and Absence and exclusions from school is now collected on a biennial basis and was not collected for the 2013/14 academic year

This publication was amended on 25th February 2015 due to minor corrections to Highland teacher figures.


Supplementary data tables can be found at:

Requests for further or additional analysis can be e-mailed to:


Email: Adam Naylor

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