
Summary statistics for schools in Scotland - No. 6: 2015 Edition

This contains the results of the annual pupil census, annual teacher census, early learning and childcare data , school estates data, attendance and absence data and exclusions data.

1. Introduction

This publication brings together a wide range of information on school education and early learning and childcare provision in Scotland and covers: pupils, teachers, children in early learning and childcare, and school buildings.

Early learning and childcare

  • Authorities have a duty to secure a part-time funded place for every child starting from the beginning of the school term after the child's third birthday.
  • Provided by local authority centres, or private and voluntary providers under a partnership arrangement.

Primary school

  • Children whose 5th birthday falls between start of March one year and end of February the next year usually start school together in the August in the middle of that period (when they will be between 4. and 5. years old).
  • Parents have the right to defer their child's entry to primary school provided that the child is still five years old when he or she starts school.
  • Primary schools are organised in classes, by age, from primary 1 (P1) to primary 7 (P7).
  • No streaming of pupils by ability at primary school and pupils are automatically promoted by age from one class to the next

Secondary school

  • Up to 6 years (S1-S6)
  • Pupils aged 15 or 16 take their first set of qualifications (currently Access 3, National 4, National 5, Intermediate 1 or Intermediate 2)
  • Some young people leave school at end of S4
  • Many choose to stay on to attain Higher and Advanced Higher level qualifications or further qualifications at the other levels previously mentioned. Higher or Advanced Higher qualifications (or equivalent) are required for entry into Higher Education.

Special school

  • Most children with additional support needs are educated in main stream setting but some with more complex or specific needs are educated in special schools.
  • These can cover both primary and secondary education.


Email: Adam Naylor

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