
Get into Summer 2021: qualitative evaluation

Get into Summer 2021 qualitative evaluation.


1. Coronavirus (COVID-19): children, young people and families - evidence summary - June 2021 - ( (accessed 1 December 2021)

2. See for example Stewart, H., Watson, N., & Campbell, M. (2018). The cost of school holidays for children from low-income families. Childhood, 25(4), 516-529.

3. Bann, D., Johnson, W., Li, L., Kuh, D., & Hardy, R. (2018). Socioeconomic inequalities in childhood and adolescent body-mass index, weight, and height from 1953 to 2015: an analysis of four longitudinal, observational, British birth cohort studies. The Lancet Public Health, 3(4), e194-e203.

4. Enhanced summer offer for all children - ( (accessed 1 December 2021)

5. Including groups identified in the Scottish Government's Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022 - (, accessed 15 November 2021

6. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on summer activities for children and young people - ( (accessed 1 December 2021)

7. #YSHive Jam: Exploration of COVID-19 Recovery - Young Scot Corporate (accessed 1 December 2021)

8. 3 national partners and 10 local authorities were initially approached, but one national partner reported that the young people they worked with had been over-researched, while one local authority reported challenges recruiting families interested in being interviewed.

9. This figure includes experiences of children who took part in Get into Summer activities but were not interviewed by the research team (i.e., experiences of children discussed in parent-only interviews or other children mentioned during paired interviews)

10. The research team had planned to speak to an additional national partner but were unable to secure an interview within the timeframe for the evaluation.

11. Age and gender breakdowns relate to the children covered by interviews, including those who were interviewed themselves, and those who were discussed in parental interviews. Ages total 62 children and young people because the age of one child (who did not take part in an interview but whose Get into Summer experiences were discussed) was not known.

12. This included anyone claiming Scottish Child Payment (SCP) or on Free School Meals (FSM) (checked at screening interview), or with an individual or combined income under the Child Poverty thresholds (under 60% of median household income after housing costs – checked at the end of the main interview for those not on SCP or FSMs) (estimates taken from CHILD POVERTY IN SCOTLAND: THE FACTS | CPAG, last accessed 16 November 2021).

13. After discussion with the Scottish Government, it was agreed that rather than focusing on 'minority ethnic families', which is very broad, recruitment would focus on families who had English as a Second Language as they are likely to face specific barriers to accessing out of school/holiday provision.

14. As defined in the Child Poverty Delivery Plan: Scottish Government Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, 2018-2022

15. This included one family with a child under one, and five with a child between one and two years old.

16. Using Excel, with each column representing a theme and each row an individual interview or monitoring report, so that the data can be sorted in different ways for further analysis.

17. #YSHive Jam: Exploration of COVID-19 Recovery - Young Scot Corporate (accessed 1 December 2021)

18. There is, of course, significant overlap across columns. For example, activities that focus on play also provide opportunities to reconnect with peers.



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