
Summer holiday food, activities and childcare programme: evaluation report - summer 2022

Evaluation report for the 2022 summer holiday food, activities and childcare programme (summer 2022). The research draws in-depth qualitative findings from a selected group of local authorities and some quantitative findings.

Appendix B: Family information sheet

Research to help understand the impact of the 2022 Summer Programme

Information sheet

Ipsos Scotland (an independent research organisation) is carrying out an evaluation of the 2022 Summer Programme, a Scottish Government-funded programme of activities for children and young people across Scotland. If you have been passed this letter, it is because you have taken part in activities funded through the Programme.

The evaluation will look at what worked well about the 2022 Summer Programme, and what could be improved. It is being undertaken by Ipsos for the Scottish Government.

How can you help?

Ipsos would really like to hear from families with children and young people who took part in a summer activity funded through the Programme.

It would involve a short (around 30-40 minutes) one-to-one interview with a researcher from Ipsos. The interview would be carried out by telephone or video call, depending on what suits you. We would like to hear from parents/carers and children /young people (if they feel able to).

We are speaking to families together for the first half of the discussion, while the second half will be questions just for parents/carers. Young people aged 12 and above can take part independently (without a parent/carer) if they would prefer this and there is parental consent. In this instance, we would to do a 15-20 minute call with the young person and a 20-30 minute call with the parent/carer.

The interview would be at a time to suit you and would be informal and relaxed - you don't need to prepare or to know anything to take part. We want to hear about your experiences and there are no right or wrong answers. We are hoping to speak to people in August.

The researcher will ask about the Summer Programme activities you/your child attended - what you think about it, and your ideas for improving it.

Your family will receive £35 (this can be cash via bank transfer or vouchers for Amazon or Love2Shop) as a thank you for your time.

How will you use the information I provide you?

Ipsos will use information from the interviews to write a report for the Scottish Government that will be published but we will not include anything that could identify you/your child. Everything you say will be confidential and your data (e.g. your contact details and notes on your interview) will be stored securely and deleted at the end of the project.

With your permission, the discussions will be audio recorded. Only the research team will have access to the recording and all data will be securely destroyed after completion of the research.

Taking part in the research is completely voluntary. If you agree to take part, you are free to change your mind at any time without giving us a reason.

We have a privacy policy with more information about how we handle your data which you can see here:

Getting in touch

If you have any questions or would like to take part, please email or text or ring xxxx on xxxx. When you get in touch, it would be helpful if you could let us know which part of Scotland you live in.

We will give you a quick call to explain more details about the research and answer any questions. We'll also ask you a few questions about yourself to check that you're eligible to take part. We will also need to get permission from a parent or carer to speak to any young people under 16 to take part.



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