Summer offer for children and young people - 'Get Into Summer' programme: equality impact assessment

This EQIA concerns the £20 million summer offer for children and young people, one of the Scottish Government's 100 Days commitments.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Having considered the data and evidence you have gathered, this section requires you to consider the potential impacts – negative and positive – that your policy might have on each of the protected characteristics. It is important to remember the duty is also a positive one – that we must explore whether the policy offers the opportunity to promote equality and/or foster good relations.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?
Age Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X Delivery partners have a specific focus on target groups and delivering activity in a non-stigmatising format.

The guidance published for local authorities and issued to national organisation partners specified that delivery should have a strong focus on equity, to ensure activities should be accessible to those children and young people targeted by the programme and that barriers to participation such as transport should be mitigated as far as possible. Activities are being provided in such a way as to meet needs such as food, childcare, financial inclusion, family support and referral on to wider services where needed in a wider package without stigmatising children and families. For example, links to resources[31] were made available to help integrate dignified food provision.

Opportunities to participate in physical and digital activity are being offered equally for children and young people up to the age of 25 and their families.
Advancing equality of opportunity X All children have been encouraged to participate.
Promoting good relations among and between different age groups X Participation has been encouraged with a range of children and young people of different ages. Some activities also invite the participation of parents, carers, kinship carers and wider families.
Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?
Disability Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X Delivery partners are encouraged through guidance to offer targeted provision for disabled children or children with additional support needs.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Local authorities are delivering targeted provision for children with additional support needs through professional community level networks. In many community settings the offered activity includes participation by disabled and non- disabled children and young people.
Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people X As above, in many community settings the offered activity includes participation from disabled and non- disabled children and young people which should help promote good relations.
Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?
Sex Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination x Summer holiday activity is offered in all local authorities to all children and young people regardless of sex, offering equal access to the Programme.

In some local authority settings, children have communicated their preference for 'girls-only' sporting activities, which has been accommodated equally in addition to similar sporting activity open to all sexes.
Advancing equality of opportunity X Local authorities are delivering the offered activity for children and young people regardless of sex.
Promoting good relations between men and women X Activities are being provided for children and young people regardless of sex and by doing so this may help promote good relations.
Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?
Pregnancy and Maternity Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination n/a
Advancing equality of opportunity n/a
Promoting good relations n/a
Do you think your policy impacts on people proposing to undergo, undergoing, or who have undergone a process for the purpose of reassigning their sex? (NB: the Equality Act 2010 uses the term 'transsexual people' but 'trans people' is more commonly used)
Gender reassignment Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Summer holiday activity is offered in all local authorities to all children and young people regardless of gender identity, offering equal access to the Programme.
Advancing equality of opportunity X As above.
Promoting good relations X Activities are being provided for children and young people regardless of gender identity and by doing so this may help promote good relations.
Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination n/a
Advancing equality of opportunity n/a
Promoting good relations x n/a
Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?
Race Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X Delivery partners have a specific focus on target groups and delivering activity in a non-stigmatising format.

The guidance published for local authorities and issued to national organisation partners specified that delivery should have a strong focus on equity, to ensure activities should be accessible to those children and young people targeted by the programme and that barriers to participation such as transport should be mitigated as far as possible. Activities are being provided in such a way as to meet needs such as food, childcare, financial inclusion, family support and referral on to wider services where needed in a wider package without stigmatising children and families.
Advancing equality of opportunity X All children have been encouraged to participate to ensure that they have the opportunity to take part.
Promoting good race relations X Activities are being provided for children and young people regardless of race and by doing so this may help promote good relations.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?
Religion or belief Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination x Delivery partners have a specific focus on target groups and delivering activity in a non-stigmatising format.

The guidance published for local authorities and issued to national organisation partners specified that delivery should have a strong focus on equity, to ensure activities should be accessible to those children and young people targeted by the programme and that barriers to participation such as transport should be mitigated as far as possible. Activities are being provided in such a way as to meet needs such as food, childcare, financial inclusion, family support and referral on to wider services where needed in a wider package without stigmatising children and families.
Advancing equality of opportunity X All children have been encouraged to participate to ensure that they have the opportunity to take part.
Promoting good relations X Activities are being provided for children and young people regardless of faith or belief and by doing so this may help promote good relations.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their marriage or civil partnership?
Marriage and Civil Partnership[32] Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination x n/a



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