
Super Sponsor Scheme and Homes for Ukraine: guidance for local authorities

Guidance for local authorities on the Scottish Government’s Super Sponsorship Scheme and Scotland’s responsibilities under the UK Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Role of local authorities

The approach to resettling displaced people from Ukraine will be based on the process that local authorities and their partners have been operating for a number of years, and was used successfully for housing over 3,000 refugees through the VPRs and VCRS schemes (albeit at a different pace to this work given Syrians arrived over months/years). Local authority resettlement teams are in place in all 32 areas, and it is anticipated all 32 will be involved in offers to resettle Ukrainians arriving in Scotland.

The matching of guests will draw on COSLA’s experience. This is work they have been leading for many years, and local networks are robust. Given potential levels of demand additional partners may support the programme.

Once matched to a specific local authority and home, guests will receive support to integrate into the local area. The first step is for an initial discussion to take place between the guest and the local authority and their partners to identify immediate and long term needs. The local authority Case Worker will then ensure links are made to the relevant services to enable access (e.g. GP, dental, school, benefits advice, employment). Local partnerships are in place to enable this.

At a very basic level the flow will be:

  • displaced person from Ukraine coming to Scotland under Super Sponsor Scheme arrives at a Scottish airport or ferry terminal and is transported to a welcome hub
  • initial triage conducted on arrival to assess for any emergency needs (undertaken by the local authority and partners)
  • initial questionnaire undertaken within welcome hub by the local authority and partners to identify housing and support needs required to house individual/family appropriately
  • assessment is passed to matching team, who then coordinate with local authorities regarding locations for people to be resettled in. While this process is carried out, the household may be placed in temporary welcome accommodation 
  • individuals/families are collected from their temporary welcome accommodation by the local authority/third sector organisation and will be taken to their longer term location
  • local authority resettlement partnerships work with individual/family to identify provision and enable immediate and longer term needs. This will see individual/family registered with GP and school, provision of local information on services and area, advice and support to access benefits, receipt of initial financial support, if required until benefits are accessed and paid, and advice and support on accessing further/higher education
  • individuals are able to access ongoing support through local authority and third sector as required

There are specific arrangements that need to be put in place to enable full provision of services and the implementation of overall resettlement processes, these are outlined in this guidance.



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