
Super Sponsor Scheme and Homes for Ukraine: guidance for local authorities

Guidance for local authorities on the Scottish Government’s Super Sponsorship Scheme and Scotland’s responsibilities under the UK Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Super Sponsorship Scheme


The Scottish Super Sponsor Scheme remains paused for new applications. We are doing this to make sure we can provide support and sanctuary to those displaced people who are in Scotland already or will shortly be arriving. 

Applications made under the Super Sponsor Scheme before 13 July 2022 will be processed and visas issued under the Super Sponsor Scheme will still be valid. 

The Scottish Government’s Super Sponsor scheme is designed to provide a quicker and safer route for displaced people from Ukraine to come to a place of sanctuary.

It removes the need for applicants to be matched to an individual sponsor prior to being given permission to travel to the UK. Through the Super Sponsor Scheme, guests are matched with an eligible host.

The Scottish Government will seek to maximise the availability of properties for displaced people from Ukraine and as part of that process contact will be made with those people who have expressed an interest in hosting a Ukrainian to offer them the chance to be matched through the Scottish Super Sponsor scheme.

The relevant checks, set out under Data flow and checks, will be undertaken before hosts are matched with guests arriving under the Scottish Super Sponsor scheme.



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