Nursing and midwifery students: funding support 2020 to 2021
Booklet explaining available funding to new students undertaking pre-registration Nursing and Midwifery degree programmes in Scotland in 2020 to 2021.
Support For NHS Employees Who Enter Nursing and Midwifery Education
Healthcare assistants entering the pre-registration programme after successfully completing an HNC in Healthcare may be offered the option of secondment from their NHS employers or they may apply for bursary support.
You may not receive your salary and a bursary at the same time. If you opt to take your salary, and subsequently wish to apply for a bursary, you may not do so until the next year of the course. You may not change your support arrangements during the year.
NHS employers may allow staff a period of secondment to undertake a nursing or midwifery course on thebasis of their existing pay and conditions. In these cases, you will not be able to apply for bursary support. Your employer must decide whether to allow a secondment, however, employees do not have a right to secondment on these terms. If your employer is unable to agree to secondment, you may choose to resign in order to undertake the course. In this case, you may be eligible for a bursary.
If you are a full-time employee seconded by an NHS Board you should:
- receive the basic pay for the post held immediately before start of training, and qualify for increments;
- keep your existing liability for tax and National Insurance;
- be eligible to join or remain in the NHS Superannuation and Injury Benefits Schemes;
- keep your existing rights under Agenda for Change Terms and Conditions of Services, with modifications to reflect your student status, e.g. annual leave; and
- be expected to undergo exactly the same educational programmes as other students.
You and your employer should also have a clear agreement about:
- whether or not you will be expected to work, or be given the opportunity to work, for your employer as a qualified nurse or midwife on completion of the course;
- how long you will be expected to do such work; and
- what will happen if you fail to complete the course.
Your employer must meet your travel and subsistence expenditure during practice placements.
Part-time employees seconded by an NHS Board
Part-time employees seconded to nursing courses should not suffer financially. Again, it is for your employer to decide whether you should be seconded on your existing part‑time salary, or an enhanced salary, to take account of the fact that nursing and midwifery courses are full time.
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