
Paramedic, nursing and midwifery students: support information 2024 to 2025

This booklet provides information for students on pre-registration nursing, midwifery and paramedic science degree programmes in Scotland.

Applying for the bursary and allowances

You can apply for student funding at by completing an online application form.

Once they have processed your application, an award notice will go on to your SAAS account. All instalments for each year will be paid into your bank account. You must supply valid bank account details at the time of applying, and advise SAAS of any changes to these details.

Scottish students choosing to study paramedic science, nursing and midwifery in other UK countries should apply to SAAS for the standard undergraduate package.

Expenses for clinical placement

Practice learning is the part of the course that consists of supervised practice in a health or social care environment. You can claim expenses for some extra travel and reasonable accommodation costs, so you are not out of pocket.

Educational or observational visits that are part of the general academic costs of the course should be paid for by your institution.

Students can apply for advanced payments of expenses through their university.

Young persons’ free bus travel

All 5–21-year-old residents in Scotland are eligible from 31 January 2022 for Young Persons' Free Bus Travel, using a National Entitlement Card with the free bus travel product on it.

If you are aged under 22 and a resident in Scotland for the majority of the year (at least 6 months), you will be eligible for the free bus travel scheme, including if you are a student from outside of Scotland who has come over to study and are living in Scotland.

The introduction of the Travel Scheme in 2022/23 has resulted in a change to the claim and payment of expenses in relation to bus travel.

If you are eligible for the Free Bus Travel Scheme, you will not be eligible to claim bus fares from placement expenses and should now do so via the new Free Bus Travel Scheme.

Bus travel should be used as the normal mode of transport to placement unless it is not possible to do so.

More information on the Free Bus Travel Scheme can be found on Transport Scotland’s website at the following link:

Travel expenses

As there is £5 included within the bursary for daily travel already, you can only claim for placement travel if the cheapest method of public transport exceeds £5 per day, unless claiming for patient visits only.

Students are currently eligible to apply for expenses for all modes of transport. You are expected to use student offers, free bus travel, season passes and zone cards wherever possible. If your claim is more than the cheapest fare available, your claim will be restricted to the cheapest fare. If public transport is available but you choose to use your own car, expenses will be restricted to the cost of public transport.

If nearby public transport is unavailable for your shift times, you must seek agreement in advance from your institution to use your car. The use of your car may also be authorised if you are using it to reach nearby public transport or are on a community placement and have used your car for patient visits. You will be reimbursed at the current motor mileage rate of 45p per mile. Motorcycle allowance is 24p per mile.

If using your car for travel, you must ensure you have adequate insurance cover. If you are required to change your insurance cover from personal to commute/business for placement travel, you will be able to claim the additional charge as an expense.

Airfares can be paid in exceptional circumstances and where your institution is satisfied, they are justified over other travel options. You should always seek your institution’s agreement in advance and get written agreement if you want to have airfares paid.

If you expect your travel costs to exceed £30 you should seek local accommodation in advance of your placement wherever possible. You will be expected to source reasonably priced accommodation and agree that with your institution.

You will not be reimbursed for taxi fares, tips, sleeper berths, carriage of luggage or bicycles, parking costs and any travel not directly related to the practice placement.


You can claim for reasonable accommodation costs if you have to live away from home or a term time address whilst on placement.

You should seek authorisation from your university before you arrange the accommodation. If you incur costs for staying with friends or family, we will reimburse you up to a maximum of £15 per night. The cost of all meals, food etc. during placement that are not included in accommodation costs (i.e. bed & breakfast) must be met from your personal allowance.

Placements outside Scotland will only be approved in exceptional cases, authorisation by your university must be obtained before placement is confirmed.

Applying for placement expenses

You should apply for placement expenses as soon as possible after your placement. Should you require an advance payment, please contact your university finance department to apply.

Give your completed expenses form to your institution. They will assess each claim on its merits, deciding the most appropriate method and costs of travel, before passing the approved claim to SAAS who will arrange for payment to your bank account within two weeks of receiving the approved claim.

All claims must be received by SAAS within six months of your placement end date.



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