
Supporting children and young people with healthcare needs in schools: guidance

This is a guidance document for NHS Boards, education authorities and schools about supporting children and young people with healthcare needs in schools.

Annex D: Other Useful Guidance Documents and Useful Organisations

Other useful guidance

Equality Advisory and Support Service (helpline: 0808 800 0082) -

Invasive procedures toolkit, PAMIS, 2016 -

Infection prevention and control in childcare settings, NHS National Health Services Scotland, 2015 -

Management of medication in day-care of children and child-minding services, Care Inspectorate, 2014 -

Making Connections: Supporting Children and Young People with Type 1 Diabetes in Education -

Establishing the Responsible Commissioner: Guidance and Directions for Health Boards, Scottish Government, 2013 –

Enquire Factsheet - No. 4: Resolving Disagreements -

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Awareness Toolkit, Scottish Government Child and Maternal Health Division, Scottish Government, 2013 –

Prescription for Excellence A Vision and Action Plan for the right pharmaceutical care through integrated partnerships and innovation. Scottish Government 2013 -

A common sense approach to moving and handling disabled children and young People, Scottish Government, 2012 –

School Handbook Guidance, Information for local authorities and schools following the Education (School and Placing Information) (Scotland) Regulations 2012, Scottish Government , 2012 -

Partnership working between education and allied health professionals guidance, Scottish Government, 2010,

The handling of medicines in social care settings, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain -

List of most commonly encountered drugs currently controlled under the misuse of drugs legislation -

Useful organisations

Action for Hearing Loss

Action on Hearing Loss Scotland can provide tailored deaf awareness training to both staff and students to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing children are fully included in the school environment and to ensure that everyone works together to improve outcomes for the deaf or hard of hearing child or young person. For more information visit

Action for Sick Children Scotland

Action for Sick Children Scotland informs, promotes and campaigns on behalf of the needs of all sick children and young people within the healthcare system. For more information visit

Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland

The Additional Support Needs Tribunals for Scotland consider appeals (references) made by parents or carers and young people against decisions of Education Authorities regarding the provision of educational support including claims of disability discrimination in relation to schools. For more information dial 0845 120 2906 or visit

ALISS (A Local Information System for Scotland)

ALISS is a search and collaboration tool for Health and Wellbeing resources in Scotland. It helps signpost people to useful community support. For more information visit

Allergy UK

Allergy UK is a national charity for people living with all types of allergies, working with government, healthcare professionals and other professional bodies. For more information visit

Asthma UK

Asthma UK is dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of people affected by asthma. The charity provides a wide range of information and resources on their website, including downloadable asthma action plans. Printed information booklets and other resources are available on request, and bulk copies are available for purchase by healthcare professionals. For more information visit Asthma UK's website at General enquiries can be sent via email to Asthma UK also has a telephone helpline number - 0300 222 5800 (9am - 5pm, Mon-Fri).

British Heart Foundation Scotland

The British Heart Foundation and British Heart Foundation Scotland provides a number of services to both professionals working with children affected by Congenital Heart Disease and other heart conditions and their families. For more information visit

British Lung Foundation Scotland

The British Lung Foundation and British Lung Foundation Scotland empower people affected by lung disease through support, services and information, and campaign for healthy lungs and clear air. For more information visit or contact the helpline number 03000 030 555 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri).

The Butterfly Trust

The Butterfly Trust works to support and empower people with Cystic Fibrosis. For more information visit their website at

Care Inspectorate

The Care Inspectorate regulates and inspects care services in Scotland to make sure that they meet the right standards. For more information visit

Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland

Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland seeks to improve the quality of life for people in Scotland affected by chest, heart and stroke illness in Scotland and provides advice, information and support in the community. For more information visit


Childsmile is reducing inequalities in oral health and ensuring access to dental services for every child across Scotland. For more information visit

Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland

The role of the Children and Young People's Commissioner is to help children and young people to understand their rights and to make sure those rights are respected. For more information please visit their website at

Children's Health Scotland

Children's Health Scotland is dedicated to informing, promoting and campaigning on behalf of the needs of all sick children and young people within the healthcare system. For more information visit

Clic Sargent

Clic Sargent provides advice and support to children and young people affected by cancer, their families and the professionals who work with them. For more information visit

Contact a Family Scotland

Contact a Family is a national charity that provides information, advice and support for families with disabled children. For more information visit their website at

Contact a Family has an online A-Z directory of medical conditions. It contains an overview of a number of common and rare conditions, and signposts further information where it exists. The directory can be accessed at

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust helps to make a difference to the lives of people with the condition and those who care for them. For more information visit

Diabetes Scotland

Diabetes Scotland works to raise awareness, improve care and provide support and information for people with diabetes and their families. For more information visit

Education Scotland

Education Scotland works collaboratively and in partnership with other public bodies and local authorities to promote, support and build the capacity of education providers and practitioners to improve their own performance. For more information, visit

Epilepsy Scotland

Epilepsy Scotland aims to improve access to services, enabling them to lead full and active lives. It also provides useful resources for staff in schools and the school health team. For more information call 0141 427 4911 or visit There are also a range of resources for schools on Young Epilepsy's website at


Enquire provides advice and support to families of children and young people who require some additional support to make the most of their learning. For more information call the Enquire helpline on 03451232303 or email

Visit the website for access to a wide range of publications and online resources and more information.

Govan Law Centre, Education Law Unit

Govan Law Centre, Education Law Unit operates a second tier advice service to partner agencies, advocacy agencies, local authorities, NHS boards, Social Services and other solicitors in relation to education matters. A referral can be made by any of these agencies to the Education Law Unit for parents and carers to get legal assistance when their child's educational needs are not being met.

The Education Law Unit also operates a national advocacy service in partnership with Kindred called Let's Talk ASN. Parents can contact the Education Law Centre directly on 0141 445 1955 if they have the right of appeal to the Additional Support Needs Tribunal in respect of a placing request to a special school or a mainstream school where the child has a co-ordinated support plan; in relation to matters arising relating to Co-ordinated Support Plans and transition from child to adult services. For further information visit

Health and Safety Executive

The Health and Safety Executive ( HSE) is the regulatory body for health and safety in Great Britain. HSE provides information to school leaders about health and safety in schools on their website at

Health Protection Scotland

Health Protection Scotland ( HPS) was established by the Scottish Government in 2005 to strengthen and co-ordinate health protection in Scotland. The HPS website contains useful information and resources about healthcare associated infection and infection control. For more information visit

Meningitis Research Foundation

The Meningitis Research Foundation provides support to those affected by meningitis and septicaemia and resources to help raise awareness of meningitis and septicaemia. For more information visit

The Mental Health Foundation

The Mental Health Foundation website has a number of resources on supporting vulnerable young people. For more information visit

The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland

The Commission aims to ensure that care, treatment and support are lawful and respect the rights and promote the welfare of individuals with mental illness, learning disability and related conditions. For more information visit


Respectme is Scotland's anti-bullying service. Information and advice on all aspects of bullying for practitioners, parents, children and young people is available at This website also includes details of Respectme's free training programme, advice on policy development and campaigning work.

Scottish Child Law Centre

The Child Law Centre helps children and young people, their families and carers, and professionals working for and with children by providing free expert legal advice and information. For further information visit

Scottish Council for Independent Schools ( SCIS)

SCIS is a membership organisation which represents and promotes independent schools in Scotland. For more information visit the SCIS website at

Scottish Information Commissioner

The Scottish Information Commissioner promotes and enforces both the public's right to ask for the information held by Scottish public authorities, and good practice by authorities. For more information telephone 01334 464610 or visit their website at

Scottish Paediatric Epilepsy Network

The Scottish Paediatric Epilepsy Network ( SPEN) is a national managed clinical network and brings together people involved in paediatric epilepsy from all over Scotland to agree the way forward for epilepsy services. For more information visit

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman handles complaints from people who have suffered injustice or hardship as a result of maladministration or service failure. For more information visit

See Me

See Me is Scotland's programme to tackle mental health stigma and discriminations, enabling people who have experienced mental health problems to experience fulfilled lives. See Me is managed by the Scottish Association for Mental Health. For more information visit and


UNISON is a trade union, representing full-time and part-time staff who provide public services. Visit for more information.


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