
Supporting disabled children, young people and their families: guidance

Guidance to help improve the experiences of disabled children, young people, and their families.


It is one of our ambitions that disabled people in Scotland should live life to the full in homes built or changed to make sure they can to take part as full and equal citizens.

In this section you can find out :

Where can I go for advice or help?

We fund an organisation called Housing Options Scotland. This organisation recognises that every housing situation is unique and specialises in providing personalised, person-centred advice and support to people with disabilities and their families.

More information

What help is available to buy a home?

We also have a number of schemes to help you buy a home if you can’t afford the full cost. The Open Market Shared Equity scheme and the New Supply Shared Equity scheme give priority to, among others, people with a disability (including families with disabled children).

How we are helping disabled children, young people and their families to live safely and comfortably at home

Disabled children and young people who would benefit from adaptations to their home should be able to access these services when needed. Owner occupiers and people who live in the private rented sector, who believe they need an adaptation, or other day to day help, should contact their local social work department; people who live in council or housing association housing should contact their landlord.

Care and Repair provide independent advice and assistance to help homeowners repair, improve or adapt their homes so that they can live in comfort and safety in their own community.

Where can I get help heating my home?

We operate a number of schemes to help households who may need help heating their home. To apply for any of these schemes applicants should contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 for free, impartial advice. Applicants can request a call back by completing the form on the Home Energy Scotland website.

Where can I get help making adaptations or changes to my home to which are needed because of a disability?

If you own your own home or are the tenant of a private landlord and are assessed as needing an adaptation you will be eligible to receive grant funding of 80% of the eligible costs. Families in receipt of Universal Credit at the time the grant is awarded are eligible for 100% of the eligible costs. Your local authority will be able to provide you with more information. Find contact details for your local authority with the postcode search on the UK Government website.

Adaptations for tenants of local authorities and Registered Social Landlords also normally require to be assessed and are funded by the relevant landlord.

Who should I contact about my concerns about becoming homeless?

We want everyone to have a safe, secure, settled home, which is why tackling and preventing homelessness is a priority. We recognise that it needs more than just providing housing and that everyone will have their own unique needs and challenges.

Local Authorities have a legal duty to help people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Scotland’s strong homelessness rights mean that everybody found to be homeless is legally entitled to housing and most people are provided with temporary accommodation while they wait for settled, permanent accommodation.

In the first instance, anyone who is concerned about being homeless should contact the housing department of their local authority. Alternatively, Shelter Scotland and Citizens Advice Scotland may be able to provide housing advice and Capability Scotland may also be able to provide support.

Scottish Government action on housing

The Fairer Scotland for Disabled People Delivery Plan set out a number of housing related commitments that support the ambition that disabled people in Scotland should live life to the full in homes built or adapted to enable them to participate as full and equal citizens.

What are we doing to provide more housing?

Every local authority area has to make a Local Housing Strategy, which is normally reviewed every year, setting out its plans for housing. The strategy should set out how housing related services will be built or delivered to meet the needs of the area. This includes how the needs of disabled children and young people and their families will be met.

Housing benefit

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