
Coronavirus (COVID-19): supporting people at higher risk - survey of third sector organisations

This report examines findings from a survey of 530 third sector organisations in Scotland who supported people through the COVID-19 pandemic over March to August 2020.

Executive summary

The Scottish Government (SG) introduced a number of measures to protect groups at most risk from Covid-19. These measures include: support for people with high clinical risk factors advised to shield; a £350 million package of support for communities affected by Covid-19 which was available to local authorities, voluntary organisations, businesses and community groups to enable them to respond to local need; and a National Assistance Helpline for people who are at risk and need support, which links them with their local authority.

SG is keen to understand how groups at risk due to Covid-19 are being supported locally to inform consideration of future policy interventions. Research and data collected from local authorities has highlighted third sector organisations as having an important role in delivering support.



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