
Coronavirus (COVID-19): supporting people at higher risk - survey of third sector organisations

This report examines findings from a survey of 530 third sector organisations in Scotland who supported people through the COVID-19 pandemic over March to August 2020.

Annex C: Questionnaire

Covid response July 2020

Third Sector partner research

Supporting those at risk during the coronavirus pandemic

Many thanks for your interest in our research.  Please read the following before taking part in the survey.

The Scottish Government is keen to develop understanding of how national measures and local effort are supporting those at risk due to Covid-19, to inform consideration of future support options.  We are reaching out to you as partners in this work for information on the kind of groups you have been supporting and the types of support you have been providing during the crisis, as well as for your views on working with other organisations through this period and what you think future needs might be.

The survey is a mix of single answer, multiple choice, and open text questions.  It should take around 20 minutes to complete. 

We take data protection very seriously.  The survey does not ask for any personal information.  Please try not to write anything that could identify you in your response.  We will nevertheless look through all survey results for any potential identifying information and remove this before analysis and write-up of results.  The individual survey responses will only be seen by social researchers within the Scottish Government’s Health and Social Care Analytical Hub.  The individual responses will be kept only on the computer drives of the researchers and only shared more widely once combined with other responses (individuals or organisations will not be identifiable).  Computers are password protected.  All responses will be deleted once the project is complete. 

We will analyse and write-up the findings into a report, which will be shared with relevant colleagues and Ministers.  We would also like to disseminate this report to those who take part in the survey too – if you would like to receive the report, email [redacted] on the emails below once you have completed the survey. The findings may also be used in a wider publication.

If you would like to ask a question before taking part, please email either [redacted].

Taking part in this survey research is entirely optional.  If you are happy with the above and consent to taking part in this study, please complete the survey by 7 August and return your responses via the emails provided above (unfortunately we cannot easily offer a postal address at this time as most Scottish Government buildings are closed – however, if you would prefer to return by post please discuss with [redacted] via the email above).

For full Questionnaire please see supporting documents.



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