Health: Supporting Women, Reducing Harm Short Life Working Group minutes - 28 March 2024

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 28 March 2024.

Attendees and apologies


  • Emma Cashmore-Gordon, Co-chair, Perinatal Services Manager, Aberlour
  • Iona Duckett, Co-chair, Senior Midwife, NHS Tayside
  • Anne McFadyen, SG, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Roch Cantwell, SG, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health
  • Brenna Kyle, Simon Community Scotland
  • Donatella Olisterno, Service Manager, Harper House
  • Hazel Inglis, Specialist Midwife for Drugs and Alcohol, NHS Highland
  • Jaki Lambert, Director for Scotland, Royal College of Midwifes
  • Kirsten Horsburgh, CEO, Scottish Drugs Forum
  • Kirstyn Brogan, Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
  • Lesley Sharkey, Director of Midwifery, NHS Tayside
  • Lynn Gillies, Service Manager, Children & Families, Social Work, Fife Council
  • Maree Aldam, CEO, Birth Companions
  • Marie Balment, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network Scotland
  • Gavin Philipson, Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Network Scotland
  • Ruth Robin, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
  • Shelley Arthur, Health Visiting Team Leader, NHS Forth Valley
  • Jennifer Shields, Foetal Alcohol Advisory Support Training Team, Edinburgh
  • Joanne Smith, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, NSPCC Scotland
  • Susanna Galea-Singer, Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland
  • Kirstie Campbell, SG, official
  • Emily McLean, SG, official
  • Karis Deacon, SG, Secretariat


  • Adam Burley, Trauma Services in Mental Health Lead, NHS Lothian
  • Fiona Miele, Family Nurse Partnership Lead, NHS Grampian
  • Anna Clark, Consultant Obstetrician, Glasgow SNIPS
  • Linda Thompson, Head of Services, Women’s Support Project
  • Rosie Welsh, South Lanarkshire Alcohol and Drugs Partnership
  • Lyndsey Turfus, Substance Use Sub-Group Chair, Social Work Scotland
  • Carolyn Wales, SG, official

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions 

The co-chairs welcomed group members to the first meeting and thanked everyone for attending. Introductions were made and apologies noted


Karis Deacon provided a short update on the dual public health emergencies we are currently facing in Scotland around alcohol and drug related deaths and harms. Discussion points included:

  • these harms can be particularly acute for women who are pregnant and their infants, with drug use recorded in 786 pregnancies in 2022, and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder affecting an estimated 3-5% of people living in Scotland
  • the work of this short life working group (SLWG) will align with various relevant Scottish Government policy initiatives, including the implementation of Best Start, Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC), eliminating violence against women and girls, and Keeping The Promise

​​​​​Dr Roch Cantwell and Dr Anne McFadyen delivered a presentation on the work that has been underway since the 'Supporting Women, Reducing Harm: Review of services for substance-using women and their infants in pregnancy and the postnatal period' report was published in 2021.

This presentation outlined the outcomes from the Supporting Women Reducing Harm stakeholder event which took place in April 2022. At this event, stakeholders identified key priorities for this group to focus on, including the need for collaborative working between services, involving lived experience at the centre of services, improved training and guidance for those working with women and their infants and equity of service provision across Scotland.

Terms of reference 

Iona Duckett outlined the purpose and remit of the group which is to develop a good practice guide for anyone working with women and their infants during pregnancy and the early years, and to explore the need for clearer care pathways to universal and specialist care.

Iona Duckett provided an overview of the terms of reference (ToR). A number of points were raised by members, including:

  • importance of using the correct language and setting out clear parameters for what the group will seek to achieve
  • scope and remit outlined in the ToR could be more ambitious, with more of a focus on implementation and creating real change for women and their babies on the ground
  • broadening the remit of the group to include the wider family unit and older children may dilute our ability to make this real tangible change
  • there is a need to influence national budget setting and decision making to place more of a priority on the specific needs of women and their babies

Lived and living experience participation

Emma Cashmore-Gordon outlined plans for a Lived and Living Experience (LLE) Steering Group: 

  • the LLE Steering Group will be chaired by Emma Cashmore-Gordon, and will meet prior to each SLWG meeting, and members will also have the opportunity to attend the SLWG meeting
  • this group will work with the SLWG to co-design a good practice guide to improve support for women and their babies during the perinatal period
  • representation will be made up of women who are currently pregnant, women with previous experience of substance use during pregnancy, and women who have had children removed into care
  • participants will be remunerated for their work, and it was highlighted that a choice between cash or vouchers should be available

Emma Cashmore-Gordon highlighted that that by providing participants with a safe and supportive environment to contribute to the work, we hope to allow  group members a real opportunity to influence and shape the work of the SLWG.

Actions and close

  • the co-chairs suggested that any further comments on the terms of reference for the group should be sent to the Secretariat, an updated draft can be circulated and agreed via email. The updated ToR will provide a clearer overview of what the group should aim to achieve in 9 months, and what the implementation phase of the work should involve following this
  • members were also invited to contact the Secretariat if they have any women with lived and living experience of substance use during pregnancy within their services who would be willing to join the LLE Steering Group
  • co-chairs thanked members for attending and for their valuable input and closed the meeting

Date of next meeting: 25 April 2024 11:00 - 12:30

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