
Supporting worklife balance: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy supports staff to balance home life with the demands of work by encouraging both the service and its staff to adopt flexible working practices.

Annex N: Model Breastfeeding Policy

1 Introduction

This organisation aims to support and encourage mothers who wish to breastfeed after they return to work. We will:

  • Actively support the promotion of breastfeeding amongst our staff and patients;
  • Provide information about breastfeeding for pregnant workers;
  • Allow, wherever possible, flexibility in working hours, including agreed regular breaks for employees who wish to breastfeed or express milk; and
  • Wherever possible and as necessary make available rest areas and dedicated storage space for the use of breastfeeding employees.

2 Preparing to Return to Work

The employee should arrange to meet their immediate line manager at least four weeks before the planned date of return to discuss working arrangements which will allow the individual to continue to breastfeed.

3 Risk Assessment

The rules surrounding risk assessment of pregnant employees or employees who have recently given birth equally apply in the case of employees who are breastfeeding with actions, as detailed in the Maternity Policy, being undertaken where such a risk assessment finds that her normal duties would prevent her from successfully breastfeeding her child.

4 Time Off

Where practicable, time off during working hours or flexibility in working hours should be provided to allow the employee to breastfeed and/or to express milk.

While the organisation cannot guarantee that it will be able to agree to every request for time off/flexibility in working hours, it will give favourable consideration to requests and endeavour, within reason, to accommodate employees' wishes bearing in the mind the needs of the service.

5 Facilities

As recommended by the Health and Safety Executive, facilities available to breastfeeding mothers should include where possible:

Areas for rest/expressing milk
These should be clean and warm with a low comfortable chair and, where necessary, the facility to lie down. The area should have a lock or have an arrangement for ensuring privacy. There should be hand washing facilities nearby. There should be an electric point for an electric pump, if necessary.

Facilities for storing breast milk
There should be a clean area where sterilizing equipment may be stored. A dedicated storage space should be available for storing expressed breast milk at 2-4°C until it is taken home.

6 Resolution of Disagreements

No request for time off or flexibility under this policy will be unreasonably withheld. Should a disagreement arise, the individual has the right to raise a formal grievance. It may be preferable in such circumstances, however, for the manager to seek advice on resolving the matter from an appropriate member of the HR Team and a Trade Union/or Professional Organisational representative.

7 Monitoring, Review and Evaluation

This policy will be monitored, reviewed and evaluated every two years by the Area Partnership Forum or equivalent, taking into consideration legislative changes and developments in good practice to ensure it meets the needs of all employees.


Email: Susan B Russell, Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government

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