
Supporting worklife balance: NHSScotland PIN policy

This Partnership Information Network (PIN) policy supports staff to balance home life with the demands of work by encouraging both the service and its staff to adopt flexible working practices.


1.1 The purpose of this Partnership Information Network (PIN) Policy on the current best practice which can be developed in partnership at local level to create policies to support the work-life balance. Alternative approaches are not precluded provided that they are based upon the best practice principles outlined in this policy. Such local policies should be developed and agreed by the appropriate partnership forum and jointly reviewed on a regular basis. The ultimate decision about an organisation's approach must be developed in a fully inclusive manner to ensure that the required changes in organisational culture, behaviour and attitude are achieved.

1.2 Throughout their career, employees will face differing demands on their time and energies at home as well as at work. 'Work-Life Balance' may be defined most simply as enabling staff to have sufficient control and autonomy over where, when and how they work to fulfil their responsibilities both inside and outside paid work.

1.3 This PIN Policy has been developed to provide staff with a range of flexible working options and leave arrangements to help them to balance their lifestyle whilst maintaining and promoting the best possible service to our patients and service users within a 24 hours a day, 365 days a year service.

1.4 It is designed to promote fairness and consistency in the treatment of all employees, and to clarify the rights and responsibilities of managers, employees and trade unions/professional organisations in respect of employees who seek to access the provisions set out within this PIN Policy.


Email: Susan B Russell, Staff Governance Associate, Scottish Government

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