
Economic conditions of crofting 2015-18: survey

This report provides a detailed outline of the uses and financial situation of crofts in the years between 2015 and 2018.


1 As noted in the methods section, the report covers ‘registered’ crofters. It may be that in crofts that are jointly owned or owned by a couple, men are more likely to be registered.


3 After the first mailout, an error was identified in the initial sample data provided, meaning that some questionnaires did not arrive at their intended destination. While the issue was rectified immediately, and apology letters sent out to those affected, this problem potentially had an impact on response rates. Therefore, to mitigate this a second wave of sample was drawn to ensure that sufficient numbers of questionnaires were returned.

4 The local authorities covered were Argyll and Bute, Eilean Siar, Highland, the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands

5 As noted in the methods section, the report covers ‘registered’ crofters. It may be that in crofts that are jointly owned or owned by a couple, men are more likely to be registered.



8 The questionnaire did not cover the type of crops planted.

9 The crofting activities of those who had been crofting for less than 3 years, for 3 years to less than 10 years and for 10 years to less than 20 years are very similar so were analysed as a single group.

10 Revenue was defined as total income including from subsidies, before deducting outgoings including rental and mortgage costs.

11 Analysis was conducted on the age profile to ascertain whether those respondents of retirement age were more likely to report ‘no income’, however age profile had no statistically significant influence.

12 Due to the small base size of this group, results should be interpreted with caution and no more detailed subgroup analysis can be conducted.

13 /publications/poverty-income-inequality-scotland-2014-17 It should be noted that the figure for crofting households does not take into account household composition, however.

14 Respondents were asked to selected one option, however some selected more than one. Therefore, this figure shows the full data as multi-coded.

15 The base size for those aged 16-34 was too small to include in the analysis.

16 The base size for those aged 16-34 was too small for analysis and are not included in the chart.


Email: Neil Davidson

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