
Survivors of Childhood Abuse Support Fund: 2020-2021

List of organisations whose services for survivors of child abuse received funding in 2020 to 2021.

Organisation Project Amount
Aberdeen Cyrenians/Penumbra Support the recovery, resilience and well-being of survivors of childhood abuse by providing person centred help to individuals with complex needs who find it difficult to access statutory services. £100,000
We Are With You Offer substance misuse and trauma support simultaneously, supporting the recovery and resilience of survivors of childhood abuse. £84,695
Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis Centre Provide a high quality and professional support and advocacy service to survivors of sexual violence, their partners and family members. £25,304
Break the Silence Provide a range of holistic support options which empower survivors to take control of their recovery journey, offering choice and control.      £209,125

Carr Gomm

Carr Gomm is a leading Scottish social care and community development charity. They work in partnership with NHS Lothian at The Rivers Centre to offer person-centred support for the treatment and sustained recovery of survivors of abuse through social integration, addressing the need for both psychological support and social support. £100,000
First Tier Offers safety and stabilisation to survivors while they await counselling, addressing the barriers to life and allowing a smooth transition into therapy. £75,000

Glasgow Council on Alcohol

Run and develop the Building Positive Pathways programme addressing the complex physical and mental health needs of survivors with a focus on substance misuse. Develop the well-established Trauma Training Programme and deliver workforce training and development to build a trauma informed, competent and skilled workforce. £80,722
Hear Me/Voluntary Action Angus Provide specialised counselling to support recovery and resilience for survivors of childhood abuse. £52,490
Health in Mind Provide the Trauma Counselling Line Scotland for anyone aged 16 or over living in Scotland, who has experienced abuse in their childhood and is from a minority ethnic community, has a disability - this can be a mental health condition or lives in a rural/hard-to-reach areas. £92,642
Kibble Education and Care Centre Specialist Intervention Services to improve outcomes for care experienced young people who are survivors of childhood abuse. £40,570
Kingdom Abuse Survivor Project A Volunteer Befriending Service offering practical and emotional support to clients (regardless of gender, sexuality, ethnicity and disability), who are isolated or lonely as a result of their experiences of childhood sexual abuse. £40,152
Link Living Run the Better than Well service which works with adults affected by trauma in childhood and helps people to recognise, understand and manage the symptoms of trauma and to identify personal outcomes which improve their overall health and wellbeing. £100,000
Mind Mosaic Offers counselling and therapy to survivors of childhood abuse as well as peer support and trauma training. £100,000
Moira Anderson Foundation Offers individual care and support to survivors of childhood sexual abuse and their families and seeks to lessen the impact of trauma in their lives through a range of therapeutic services in a safe and caring environment. £209,125
Moving on Ayrshire Offers survivors of sexual abuse and rape free one to one person-centred counselling in a safe environment which can enable them to address their issues and helps them work towards a healthier and happier future. £56,463
Orkney Blide Trust Building up existing support for people who are disadvantaged due to the stigma around mental ill health. Survivors are supported through provision of opportunities based on a therapeutic community model e.g. drop-in, out and about trips. £20,494
Penumbra Provides a service to over 16's in Dundee and the surrounding area who self-harm. Support is quick and easy to access on a 1:1 and group basis for those who wish support with issues linked to self-harm, including childhood abuse. £67,965
RASASH Provide free and confidential emotional and practical support, information and advocacy for survivors of sexual violence and abuse, their non-abusing partners, family and friends in remote and rural areas of the Highlands. £63,155
Safe Space A specialist trauma counselling and group work service for survivors of childhood sexual abuse. This includes one to one counselling for adults both at Safe Space premises and an outreach service in outlying GP services in rural areas. £18,194
SAY Women/The Village Storytelling Centre Intensive support to young women who are survivors of childhood abuse and who are homeless or at risk of become so. £100,000
Shetland Rape Crisis Free and confidential information, advocacy and support for anyone in Shetland (age 13 and over) affected by any form of sexual violence. £46,216
Speak Out Scotland Providing complex trauma therapy and ongoing support service to male survivors of childhood sexual abuse.   £95,896
Stop It Now Scotland Provide support services to individuals and their families with problematic sexual thoughts and those who may be at risk of sexual offending.      £125,000
Survivors Unite Delivers support service to survivors of childhood abuse in the Scottish Borders. This includes a weekly support group, peer to peer support and one to one abuse-focused and strengths based support. £38,750
Talk Now

Provides a diverse range of therapies and individualised support to increase wellbeing and resilience to survivors of childhood abuse. 

The BodyMind Studio Support the recovery and resilience of survivors of abuse through trauma-informed yoga practice and arts activities. £15,000

Thriving Survivors

Thriving Survivors support any person affected by a traumatic childhood event. A total of 16 x Discovering Me programmes will be held each year with each lasting six weeks, thereafter support remains in place for individuals for as long as is needed.   £100,000
Wellbeing Scotland Wellbeing Scotland provides services for survivors which follows a 'Maslowian' hierarchy of needs approach.  Initial support focusses on any physical well-being requirements before providing services which relate to their mental health, self-esteem etc.   £167,300
Western Isles Rape Crisis Centre

Offers a confidential, trauma informed service regardless of gender, disability or remote island location. There are workshops aimed at adult survivors of child sexual abuse and support activities are based on a holistic approach which moves with the needs and wishes of the survivors themselves.



Central Enquiry Unit

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