Adolescents' screen time, sleep and mental health: literature review

Systematic review summarising the published experimental and longitudinal evidence on adolescent screen time, sleep and mental health.


Results of the literature search

The results of the systematic literature search for all five Research Questions are summarised in Figure 2. Across all Research Questions, the search yielded 4,209 records of which we removed 1,670 duplicates. We found one additional record through other sources. Of the remaining 2,540 records, 1048 records were excluded because they were primary studies published prior to 2017. We screened the titles and abstracts of 1492 records: 146 literature reviews published 2007-2019 and 1346 primary studies published 2017-2019. Sixteen literature reviews and 261 primary studies were deemed potentially relevant and thus their full-text articles were assessed for eligibility.

Through screening of the 16 literature reviews, we identified an additional 75 potentially relevant primary studies published before 2017, which we assessed for eligibility (see Appendix Table D). Of the 75 studies, we screened 39 full-text articles, none of which met our inclusion criteria (Figure 2). Appendix Table D provides a summary of the assessed literature reviews, their aim, and the number of identified studies that appeared potentially relevant at title and abstract screening stage.

The number of included studies for each Research Question was as follows: RQ1 = 9 (15-23); RQ2 = 1 (18); RQ3 = 3 (21-23); RQ4 = 0; RQ5 = 2 (24, 25).

Figure 2. PRISMA flowchart for RQ1-5

Figure 2. PRISMA flowchart for RQ1-5



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