
Tackling child neglect in Scotland 3: rapid review of legislation and policy

A rapid review of legislation and policy with a particular focus on child neglect in Scotland, conducted by academics at the University of Stirling.

Appendix 1






National legislative executive

Scottish Government

Department for Education

Welsh Government

Northern Ireland Executive Government

Some key overarching legislation

Children (Scotland) Act 1995

Children’s Hearing (Scotland) Act 2011

Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014

Children Act 1989

Adoption and Children Act 2002 (amended Children Act 1989 by expanding the definition of "harm” to include witnessing domestic violence).

Children Act 2004

Children and Young Persons Act 2008

Children and Families Act 2014

Children Act 1989

Adoption and Children Act 2002 (amended Children Act 1989 by expanding the definition of "harm” to include witnessing domestic violence).

Children Act 2004

Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014

Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995

Safeguarding Board Act (2011)







Key national guidance and policy

(all underpinned by UNCRC)

National Guidance for child protection in Scotland (2014)

Further guidance has been published for health professionals, and protecting disabled children.

Getting it right for every child ( GIRFEC)

Early Years Collaborative

Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children


Safeguarding Children: Working together under the Children Act 2004 (2004)

All Wales Child Protection Procedures

Our children and young people: our pledge: a ten year strategy for children and young people in Northern Ireland 2006-2016

Co-operating to Safeguard Children (2003)

Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland ( SBNI) 2011 Regulations


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