
Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022: annex 4

Results of the Scottish Government's children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment on the policy development of the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22.

CRWIA Stage 1

Screening - key questions

1. What aspects of the policy/measure will affect children and young people up to the age of 18?

The core focus of the Act is to lift children, as defined in the Act as “ a person under the age of 16, or a person who is a qualifying young person for the purposes of Part 9 of the Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 1992”, out of poverty.

The actions outlined within the Delivery Plan will therefore require to be linked to this policy goal, whether directly or indirectly.

2. What likely impact - direct or indirect - will the policy/measure have on children and young people?

Policies outlined within the Delivery Plan will have both a direct and indirect impact on children and young people.

For example, policies will be required that reach children directly, i.e. attainment gap funding will directly improve a child’s experience at school, whereas support to aid parents to move into and progress in employment will increase household income – indirectly improving a child’s life experience.

3. Are there particular groups of children and young people who are more likely to be affected than others?

The TCPDP has highlighted a number of ‘priority families’ with higher risks of poverty. These are larger families (3+ children), families with young mothers, families with a disabled adult or child, minority ethnic families, families with a child under 1 year old and lone parent families.

More detail is also provided in the Plan itself and in the Equality Impact Assessment.

4. Who else have you involved in your deliberations?

The Act requires consultation to be conducted on the Delivery Plan. with the following:

  • The Poverty and Inequality Commission
  • Local Authorities, or associations representing Local Authorities
  • People and organisations working with or representing children
  • The Scottish Parliament
  • People and organisations working with or representing households whose income is adversely affected or whose outgoings are increased, because a member of the household has one or more protected characteristics
  • People with lived experience of poverty.

Alongside the Poverty and Inequality Commission, relevant Parliamentary Committees and interest groups, the list of consultees is as follows:

Parent Focus Groups
3-D Drumchapel
Contact Scotland
Falkirk Council
Fife Gingerbread
Maryhill Women’s Centre
One Parent Families Scotland (lone mothers and lone fathers’ groups)
Poverty Truth Commission (focus group of parents)
Parents with disabilities

Children and Young People Focus Groups
The Children’s Parliament
The Prince’s Trust
Young Scot

Aberlour Homes for Good Children in Scotland
Article 12
Big Lottery Scotland
British Red Cross
CEMVO Scotland
Church of Scotland
Citizens Advice Scotland
Action for Children
Community Care Providers Scotland

Falkirk Council
Geeza Break
Glasgow Disability Alliance
Home Start
Inclusion Scotland
Interfaith Scotland
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
NG Homes
One Parent Families Scotland
Oxfam Resonate Together
Parent Network Scotland
Peek Project
Save the Children
People First
Radiant and Brighter
Scottish Refugee Council
Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum
Scottish Women’s Aid
Shetland Islands Council
Star Project
Fife Gingerbread
Scottish out of School Care Network
Stepping Stones for Families
Who Cares Scotland
Children 1st Shelter

5. Will this require a CRWIA?


CRWIA Declaration

CRWIA required

CRWIA not required



Policy lead
Andrew Fraser

20 Feb 2018

Deputy Director or equivalent
Lesley Fraser, Director, Social Justice & Regeneration

20 Feb 2018


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