
Tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022: annex 4

Results of the Scottish Government's children's rights and wellbeing impact assessment on the policy development of the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22.

CRWIA Stage 4

Assessing the Impact and Presenting Options - key questions

1. What likely impact will the policy have on children’s rights?

The TCPDP will likely have a positive impact on children’s rights and well-being, in a range of ways. It aims to improve parental access to fair work, reduce costs of living for families, provide greater help via social security and improve children and family quality of life.

Ultimately, the TCPDP aims to move children out of poverty and improve their lives.

2 How will the policy/measure contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people?

The TCPDP has a two-fold approach to tackling child poverty. First, it tackles the key drivers of child poverty. Second, it seeks to improve the wellbeing and quality of life of children and families – via targeted actions – so that children growing up in poverty now do not become parents in poverty in 2030.

3. Are some children and young people more likely to be affected than others?

Yes. The TCPDP identifies priority families at higher risk of child poverty and targets actions at them. These are larger families (3+ children), families with young mothers, families with a disabled adult or child, minority ethnic families, families with a child under 1 year old and lone parent families.

Children either living in poverty or at increased risk of living in poverty will benefit from the actions outlined within the Delivery Plan. However, given the approach, it is likely that in some cases all children will stand to benefit.

4. Resource implications of policy modification or mitigation

Costs associated with each action are set out in the TCPDP where possible.

5. How does the policy/measure promote or impede the implementation of the UNCRC and other relevant human rights standards?

The Child Poverty Bill will be implemented in a way which complements children’s rights under the UNCRC, specifically the following articles:

  • Article 2: Non-discrimination
  • Article 3: Best interests of the child
  • Article 4: Protection of rights
  • Article 6: Life, survival and development
  • Article 12: Respect for the views of the child
  • Article 24: Health and health services
  • Article 26: Benefit from Social Security
  • Article 27: Adequate Standard of Living
  • Article 31: Engage in Play & Recreational Activities


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