
Tackling child poverty delivery plan - progress report 2022-23: annex a - measurement framework

Child poverty measurement framework with the latest data on the drivers of child poverty. The indicators in the child poverty measurement framework are intended to monitor these drivers of poverty.


The drivers of poverty are summarised in the diagram below. These are: income from employment, costs of living and income from social security and benefits in-kind.

Figure 1: Drivers of child poverty
how the framework indicators relate to the three drivers of child poverty. These drivers are; income from work, income from social security and costs of living.

The indicators in the child poverty measurement framework are intended to monitor the drivers of poverty. They form part of a wider monitoring and evaluation strategy.

This annex sets out the trends over time for each of the child poverty measurement framework indicators. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 restrictions on the data collection of many national surveys, some indicators show a data gap for all or some of the years 2020-2022. Where the data is available and can be trusted to be reliable and robust, new data and trends have been added.

The measurement framework was recently updated with the publication of the second Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan: Best Start, Bright Futures.



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