
Tackling child poverty: second year progress report - annex C

Annex C: child poverty among lone parent families.


Children in lone parent families in Scotland are more likely to be in poverty than children in couple families.

Estimates of number and percentage of children in Scotland in relative poverty, absolute poverty and combined material deprivation and low income, after housing costs, 2016/17-2018/19 (3-year average)
Relative poverty Absolute poverty Combined low income and material deprivation
All children 230,000 210,000 120,000
(24%) (21%) (12%)
Children in lone parent households 90,000 80,000 60,000
(39%) (34%) (27%)

From 2015-18, 17% of children in Scotland were in persistent poverty. An estimate for children in lone parent families is not available for the same period (due to small sample sizes), but it was 31% in 2014-17, compared to 15% for all children.

Trend data over the past decade show that a heightened risk of poverty among lone parent households is a longstanding issue.

Percentage of children from each group in relative poverty after housing costs
Relative poverty after housing costs
Percentage of children from each group in absolute poverty after housing costs
Absolute poverty after housing costs
Percentage of children from each group in combined material deprivation and low income after housing costs
Combined low income and material deprivation after housing costs



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