Tackling child poverty - progress report 2023-2024: annex B - focus report on other marginalised groups at risk of poverty

A focus report looking at other marginalised groups at risk of poverty. It provides an evidence review on barriers across the three drivers of poverty and available evidence on what works.


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115 How many people do we grant protection to? - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) See section 2.3 of the report “Asylum seekers by age and sex”

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117 Immigration Rules - Immigration Rules part 11B - Guidance - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

118 A more liberal refugee policy is characterised by five core dimensions: ease of entrance and security of status, provision of public services and welfare, ability to work and own property, movement as in encampment policies and societal participation. Source: Do Legal Restrictions Affect Refugees' Labor Market and Education Outcomes Evidence from Harmonized Data (English) | Policy Commons // World Bank Document

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Email: TCPU@gov.scot

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