
Tackling child poverty - third year progress report : annex B - child poverty in families with a disabled adult or child

Evidence about child poverty in families with a disabled adult or child. The report presents the latest data on the child poverty targets and includes further evidence on the drivers of child poverty among this priority group.


We have linked to web pages wherever possible, but please be aware that some of the links below lead directly to PDFs instead.

1. Every child, every chance: tackling child poverty delivery plan 2018-2022 - (

2. Tackling child poverty: first year progress report - Annex B - (

3. Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

4. 2017-20. Parents here refer to those who live with their dependent children.

5. Scottish Health Survey 2019: supplementary tables - (

6. Standard Outputs | Census Data Explorer | Scotland's Census;

The challenges of estimating Scotland's learning disabled population and why it matters | FAI (

7. Scottish Surveys Core Questions 2019 - (

8. SSCQ figures for 2019 are: 28% of adults in a single parent family, 14% in a small family and 26% in a large family household.

9. Scottish Health Survey 2019: supplementary tables - (

10. Unpublished analysis of the SHS 2019.

11. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (;

Disability and domestic abuse: risk, impacts and response - GOV.UK (

12. See 'Children in poverty after housing costs who are in more than one priority group', here: Additional child poverty analysis 2019 - (

13. Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

14. Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - ( ; 58% figure calculated from rounded numbers in Table 1.

15. Scope response to coronavirus crisis | Disability charity Scope UK;

Report_COVID19FoodInsecurity-final.pdf (;

Supercharged: a human catastrophe - summary report Glasgow Disability Alliance (;

Rights At Risk – Covid-19, disabled people and emergency planning in Scotland – a baseline report from Inclusion Scotland | Inclusion Scotland;

Disabled Women and Covid- 19 - Womens Budget Group (;

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - disabled people: health, social and economic harms - research report - (;

The COVID Decade: understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19 | The British Academy

16. Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

17. Data on persistent poverty focuses only on households where the disabled person in the family unit is the adult. No persistent poverty data on disabled children is collected in the Understanding Society Survey.

18. The way in which information on disabled people is collected changed several times. This causes breaks in the time series and care needs to be taken when considering long-term trends. More detail can be found on pp.34-36 in the following report: Households Below Average Income: 1994/95 to 2015/16 - GOV.UK (

19. Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

20. Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Personal Independence Payments.

21. See Table 33 in 'All data' spreadsheet, available here: Download data

22. Child poverty measurement framework – Indicator updates, at: Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

23. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

24. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

25. Child poverty measurement framework – Indicator updates, at: Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

26. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

27. Includes people who were either unemployed (actively seeking work and available to start), looking for work but are unavailable to start straight away, and those who are not actively looking, but would like a job (except those out of work due to family and home commitments). Which groups find it hardest to find a job following a period out of work? - Office for National Statistics (

28. Unpublished analysis of the Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec household datasets (ONS), 2019.

29. Unpublished analysis of the Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec household datasets (ONS), 2019.

30. Locked out of the labour market (;

An unequal crisis - Citizens Advice;

PowerPoint Presentation (;

Poverty and Covid-19 - Social Metrics Commission;

The COVID Decade: understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19 | The British Academy;

Disabled mothers three times more likely to have lost work during the pandemic | The Fawcett Society;

Poverty in Scotland 2020 | JRF;

Fairer Scotland for disabled people - employment action plan: progress report - year 2 - (;

Which jobs are most likely to have seen a drop in pay during the pandemic? (

31. Labour market monthly briefing: April 2021 - (

32. Disabled people in the labour market in Scotland - (

33. Unpublished analysis of the Annual Population Survey, Jan-Dec household datasets (ONS), 2019.

34. Scotland's employment landscape for people with learning disabilities | Fraser of Allander Institute;

Employment - SCLD

35. Reichman, Corman & Noonan, 2008. Impact of Child Disability on the Family. Maternal & Child Health Journal, 12, 679-683. The Impact of Disability on the Lives of Young Children: Analysis of Growing Up in Scotland Data - ( ; Corman, Noonan, & Reichman, 2005. Mothers' Labor Supply in Fragile Families: The Role of Child Health. Eastern Economic Journal, 31: 601-616 ; Noonan, Reichman & Corman, 2005. New Fathers' Labor Supply: Does Child Health Matter? Social Science Quarterly, 86: 1399–1417.

36. Activate-FINAL.pdf (

37. #IncludED in the Main?! Available at: Reports & Factsheets | ENABLE Scotland

y-lives-young-children-analysis-growing-up-scotland-data/" The Impact of Disability on the Lives of Young Children: Analysis of Growing Up in Scotland Data - ( ; Corman, Noonan, & Reichman, 2005. Mothers' Labor Supply in Fragile F

Life Opportunities Survey - Wave on results, 2009/2011 (;

Activate-FINAL.pdf (;

38. How flexible hiring could improve business performance and living standards | JRF

39. It's not right that four million disabled people are locked in poverty | JRF

40. Scotland's employment landscape for people with learning disabilities | Fraser of Allander Institute

41. Scottish Social Attitudes 2015: Attitudes to discrimination andpositive action (

42. Increasing employment of disabled people in public sector: our response to consultation - (

43. Life Opportunities Survey - Wave on results, 2009/2011 (;

Activate-FINAL.pdf (;

Scotland's employment landscape for people with learning disabilities | Fraser of Allander Institute;

Employment - SCLD

44. Coronavirus (COVID-19) - disabled people: health, social and economic harms - research report - (;

The COVID Decade: understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19 | The British Academy

45. Scottish Health Survey 2019: supplementary tables - (

46. Being disabled in Britain: a journey less equal | Equality and Human Rights Commission (;

Life Opportunities Survey - Wave on results, 2009/2011 (;

Disabled workers' experiences during the pandemic | TUC;

Working better: the perfect partnership - workplace solutions for disabled people and business | Equality and Human Rights Commission (;

1 In 10 Businesses Unable To Support An Employee With A Disability Or Health Condition | Disability Rights UK

47. Outcomes for disabled people in the UK - Office for National Statistics (

48. Life Opportunities Survey: wave 1 results - GOV.UK (

49. Based on SIMD 2012 for 2014/15 and 2015/16 and SIMD 2016 for 2016/17, 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20. More information on the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation can be found at:

50. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 3: 2021 Edition - (

51. Further Education: includes leavers undertaking full-time education which is not higher education and who are no longer on a school roll. This may include National Qualifications.

Higher Education: includes leavers following HND (Higher National Diploma) or HNC (Higher National Certificate) courses, degree courses, courses for the education and training of teachers and higher level courses for professional qualifications. It includes programmes at a level higher than the standard of the National Qualifications, i.e. above SCQF Level 7. Leavers with a deferred, unconditional place in higher education have also been included in this category.

52. Pupil census: supplementary statistics - (

53. As per the Additional Support for Learning Act.

54. Pupil census: supplementary statistics - (

55. Additional support for learning: experiences of pupils and those that support them - (;


Additional support for learning: experiences of pupils and those that support them - (

57. There is a range of guidance in place on additional support for learning which seeks to support schools, education authorities and parents and carers.

58. Additional support for learning: experiences of pupils and those that support them - (; these increases are likely due in part to continued improvements in recording and the introduction of additional need types. Pupil census: supplementary statistics - (; See Table 6.5. Teacher census supplementary statistics - (


60. #IncludED in the Main?! Available at: Reports & Factsheets | ENABLE Scotland;



63. Primary, secondary and special education combined. School attendance and absence statistics - (;

School exclusion statistics - (

64. Activate-FINAL.pdf (;

#IncludED in the Main?!. Available at: Reports & Factsheets | ENABLE Scotland;

Additional support for learning: experiences of pupils and those that support them - (

65. #IncludED in the Main?!. Available at: Reports & Factsheets | ENABLE Scotland

66. The COVID Decade: understanding the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19 | The British Academy;

67. Human rights and the coronavirus pandemic: letter to Government (

68. Disabled Women and Covid- 19 - Womens Budget Group (

69. Note that this only includes households who are paying for some type of childcare and does not include e.g. households who do not pay for additional childcare because they cannot afford it. This information refers to household childcare costs, so the costs may cover multiple children. The base number for households who answered this questions where there is someone with a long-term condition is only 97 so the data should be used with caution.

70. The Impact of Disability on the Lives of Young Children: Analysis of Growing Up in Scotland Data - (;

Childcare and early years survey of parents: 2017 - GOV.UK (

71. The Impact of Disability on the Lives of Young Children: Analysis of Growing Up in Scotland Data - (;

Parents' views and use of early learning and childcare: report - (

72. Transport and Poverty in Scotland - Report of the Poverty and Inequality Commission - Poverty & Inequality Commission;

National Transport Strategy - Equality Impact Assessment

73. National Transport Strategy - Equality Impact Assessment;

Transport and Poverty in Scotland - Report of the Poverty and Inequality Commission - Poverty & Inequality Commission;

Activate-FINAL.pdf (

74. Transport and Poverty in Scotland - Report of the Poverty and Inequality Commission - Poverty & Inequality Commission

75. Weekly Poll Results – COVID-19: Physical Distancing (Week Beginning 25 May) | Have Your Say... (

76. Coronavirus (COVID-19): phase 3 measures - equality and fairer Scotland impact assessment - (

77. Dare To Dream: Future Visions Briefing Note Glasgow Disability Alliance (;

Health and Care Experience Survey: results 2019/2020 - (

78. Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on equality (research) - (;

Coronavirus and the social impacts on disabled people in Great Britain - Office for National Statistics (


80. Scottish Health Survey 2019: supplementary tables - (

81. Child poverty measurement framework – Indicator updates, at: Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

82. Scottish household survey 2019: key findings - (

83. Disability Research on Independant Living & Learning (

84. Fuel bills referred to are based on modelled running costs to maintain a satisfactory heating regime and are not reported directly by the households in the survey. Under the fuel poverty definition, higher heating regimes are applied for households where someone has a long-term condition or is aged 75 or over than for other households in the survey. Averages provided are medians. Unpublished analysis of the Scottish House Condition Survey and Scottish House Condition Survey: additional analysis - (

85. Data is not available to say whether there were any other disabled adults or children in the household.

86. Scotland's Wellbeing: national outcomes for disabled people - (;

Disabled people's costs of living | JRF

87. MS Society External template (

88. Child poverty measurement framework – Indicator updates, at: Additional child poverty analysis 2021 - (

89. Weathering the winter storm: Strengthening financial security in Scotland through the ongoing Covid-19 crisis | IPPR;

The financial impact of COVID-19 on disabled people and carers | JRF;

Disabled Women and Covid- 19 - Womens Budget Group (;

Supercharged: a human catastrophe - summary report Glasgow Disability Alliance (

90. Living from one pay day to the next | Citizens Advice Scotland (

91. High cost credit includes: catalogues or mail order schemes; hire or rental purchase agreements (like brighthouse); cash loan from a company that comes to your home to collect payments; and a loan from a pay day lender. The data for Indicators 16 and 17 are not available broken down according to whether or not someone had a limiting long-term condition.

92. Scottish household survey 2018: annual report - (;

Internet users, UK - Office for National Statistics (

93. How social security can deliver for disabled people in Scotland | JRF

94. Welfare reform: impact report on benefits for disabled people - (

95. Destitution in the UK 2020 | JRF

96. Social Security Scotland client diversity and equalities analysis to May 2020 - (

97. Scottish Government will continue to explore methods in order to develop a systematic approach to enhancing the available data sources. Further information on this can be found in our Social Security: Benefit take-up strategy.

98. Social security: benefit take-up strategy (October 2019)


100. Scotland's Population | National Records of Scotland (

101. Welfare reform: impact report on benefits for disabled people - (;

Social Security Experience Panels: award duration and automatic entitlement - (;

Social security experience panels - About Your Benefits and You: qualitative research findings - (;

Social Security Experience Panels: Personal Independence Payment health assessments - (;

Activate-FINAL.pdf (;

Poverty in Scotland 2020 | JRF

102. Microsoft Word - quest_report_final.doc (




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