Take-up rates of Scottish benefits: November 2023

This publication contains our latest estimates of take-up of Scottish benefits delivered by Social Security Scotland. An 'Easy Read' version of this publication is available in the Supporting Documents section.

Take-Up Rate Estimates

Most recent estimates of take-up for each benefit are outlined below, with time series estimates for previous years in Table 1 and Table 2, showing how estimated take-up rates have changed over time.

An infographic outlining the estimated take-up rates in 2022-23, represented by doughnut charts: Scottish Child Payment: under 6s: 95%, BSG: Pregnancy and Baby Payment: 83% (2021-22), BSG: Early Learning Payment: 80% (2020-21), BSG: School Age Payment: 97%, Best Start Foods: 92%, Young Carer Grant: 75%, Funeral Support Payment: 61%, Job Start Payment: 15%
Table 1: Annual Estimates of Take-Up: Five Family Payments
Year Scottish Child Payment (under 6s) BSG: Pregnancy and Baby Payment BSG: Early Learning Payment BSG: School Age Payment Best Start Foods
2019-20 .. 83% 85% 73% ..
2020-21 .. 84% 80% 91% 71%
2021-22 87% 83% .. 77% 92%
2022-23 95% .. .. 97% 92%
Table 2: Annual Estimates of Take-Up: Other
Year Young Carer Grant Job Start Payment Funeral Support Payment
2019-20 .. .. ..
2020-21 68% 30% 49%
2021-22 73% 29% 66%
2022-23 75% 15% 61%


A detailed overview of the methodology used to estimate take-up is provided at the end of this publication.


Email: ceu@gov.scot

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