
Unconventional oil and gas consultation: analysis of responses

Independent analysis of the Talking 'Fracking' consultation.

Annex 5: Number of respondents answering each question

The table below shows the number of substantive responses and standard campaign responses which addressed each of the ten consultation questions.

Table A5.1: Number of responses to consultation questions

Question Substantive responses* Standard campaign responses Petitions Total
Question 1: What are you views on the social, community and health impacts of fracking? 6,415 16,503 22,918
Question 2: What are your views on the community benefit schemes that could apply, were an unconventional oil and gas industry to be developed in Scotland? 2,697 946 3,643
Question 3: What are your views on the potential impact of an unconventional oil and gas industry on Scotland's economy and manufacturing sector? 2,860 16,252 19,112
Question 4: What are your views on the potential role of unconventional oil and gas in Scotland's energy mix? 5,784 16,285 22,069
Question 5: What are your views on the potential environmental impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland? 5,536 16,403 21,939
Question 6: What are your views on the potential climate change impacts of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland? 3,879 16,503 20,382
Question 7: What are your views on the regulatory framework that would apply to an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland? 2,667 1,061 185 3,913
Question 8: Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main benefits, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland? 2,724 946 3,670
Question 9: Overall, and in light of the available evidence, what do you think would be the main risks or challenges, if any, of an unconventional oil and gas industry in Scotland? 4,062 20,726 5,174 29,962
Question 10: If you have any other comments on the issues discussed in this consultation, please provide them here. 3,578 21,077 31,033 55,688

* Includes 52 responses from the Board Alliance on-line campaign submitted directly via the Scottish Government's online response form.


Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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