
Learning for sustainability: action plan 2023 to 2030

Scotland's learning for sustainability action plan 2023 to 2030 "Target 2030: A movement for people, planet and prosperity " aims to build an inspiring movement for change so every 3 to 18 place of education becomes a sustainable learning setting by 2030.

Our Actions

Theme 1: Leadership and Collaborative Partnership

A movement for change such as LfS requires leadership from all key people and at all levels: children and young people, educators, parents and carers, leaders of education settings, local authority directors and their staff, local councillors, regional improvement collaboratives, national and regional agencies and bodies. This theme is about collective leadership with a focus on our newly strengthened "Target 2030" vision for LfS. It is about all relevant individuals and organisations recognising their specific contribution and role in LfS, and working together to embed LfS to achieve our Target 2030.



New Action / Strengthened Action


Vision 2030+ Strategic Objective

Policy & practice context

System lead


Leadership and Collaborative Partnership


New Action

LfS "Target 2030": The Call to Action

The Scottish Government and Education Scotland will formally launch its "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings programme in September 2023, by issuing a Call to Action to all children and young people, educators, education leaders, national bodies, local authorities and regional bodies.

The Call to Action will invite all organisations to integrate the 2030 commitment into their improvement plans, strategic plans, curriculum frameworks, corporate plans and activities.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to Learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

Wide range of policies and contexts in early learning and childcare, school, and community learning and development.

Scottish Government and Education Scotland.

Call to Action will be issued September 2023.

Completion of the overall Target 2030 commitment by end 2030.


New Action

LfS "Target 2030": A Strategic Review of LfS Funding

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, the Scottish Government will review all existing national funding streams relating to LfS, with a view to re-focusing maximum possible resource around the strategic implementation of the commitment.

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability should be established.

Wide range of policies and contexts in early learning and childcare, school, and community learning and development.

Scottish Government.

Review process will commence summer 2023.

Report from the review complete by end February 2024.


New Action

LfS "Target 2030": A New LfS Mentor Network

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Education Scotland will work with key partners on the LfS Leadership Group to design and implement a new programme to create an LfS mutual mentoring support network. The mentor role, which will take account of existing leadership programmes, will create appropriate networks across early learning and childcare, school education and community learning and development. It will encourage collaborative leadership, provide peer support and ensure collaboration and sharing of approaches across early years, primary and secondary education. Online collaboration will be facilitated through relevant appropriate spaces accessible to all educators. Capacity and support to educators to participate will be crucial, and therefore teacher professional associations and local authorities in their role as employers will be invited to support and challenge the detailed proposals of this programme.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Wide range of policies and contexts in early learning and childcare, school, and community learning and development.

Professional development for educators.

Education Scotland.

Design of the mentor role will be complete by spring 2024, with roll out to follow from autumn 2024 onwards.


New Action

LfS Leadership Group

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, and to provide collaborative leadership and partnership for LfS, a new National LfS Leadership Group will be created. The Group will:

  • oversee the development, delivery and implementation of the refreshed LfS Action Plan;
  • co-ordinate delivery of our "Target 2030" Commitment;
  • drive and sustain the coalition for LfS and maximise collaborative efforts and coordination across members and networks;
  • develop and implement a communication strategy to support the "Target 2030" commitment;
  • report to Scottish Ministers on progress, and;
  • be guided and challenged by the Children and Young People Leadership Group.

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability should be established.

Wide range of policies and contexts in early learning and childcare, school, and community learning and development. Adult Learning Strategy, Youth Work Strategy (to be published).

Shared leadership by the LfS Leadership Group.

Secretariat provided by Scottish Government.

Commenced November 2022 – currently ongoing.


New Action

LfS in National Plans, Standards and Programmes

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings:

5 a) Scottish Government will build on its initial work in 2023 to ensure that LfS is fully embedded in the National Improvement Framework (NIF).

5 b) Scottish Government and Education Scotland will work with all partner organisations, including all relevant third sector organisations funded by government, to ensure that LfS is reflected within their respective principles, standards, programmes and corporate plans.As an initial first step, by end 2023, the Scottish Government and Education Scotland will complete a "stock take" of current coverage of LfS within relevant organisations/plans etc.Any organisation with a link into LfS will be encouraged and supported to join the movement for change and help to support this plan.

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability should be established.

Professional development for educators.

Community Learning and Development.

Third sector organisations.

5a Lead: Scottish Government.

5b Lead: Scottish Government and Education Scotland.

Contributory role for all relevant organisations.

Further updates to the NIF in place by NIF publication late 2023.

"Stock take" summary of current coverage to be completed by end 2023.


New Action

LfS and Attainment/Equity

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings

6 a) By the end of 2023, Scottish Government will complete an analysis of the existing evidence on the relationship between LfS and attainment/equity, to better understand any impacts that LfS has upon outcomes for learners.

6 b) By the end of 2023 Scottish Government and Education Scotland will have developed a short, focused set of actions which will seek to integrate LfS more fully within the Scottish Attainment Challenge Programme.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to Learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

Poverty-related attainment gap.

Scottish Attainment Challenge.

6a Lead: Scottish Government.

6b Lead: Scottish Government and Education Scotland.

Analysis completed by end 2023.


Strengthened Action

Measuring Success and Driving Improvement

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings

7 a) The Scottish government will work with key partners to define and implement a new set of Key LfS Indicators which will be adaptable to every context – i.e. setting level, local level, regional level and national level. The government will aim to publish the new indicators by mid-2024. The work will be taken forward in collaboration with educators and children and young people and it will ensure that existing relevant metrics are taken into account to provide a coherent mechanism for every level of the system – national, local and setting level – to monitor, evaluate and demonstrate the progress made against actions contained within this plan.

7 b) If/when the quality framework for the inspection of education settings – 'How Good is Our School' – is reviewed and updated, HM Inspectors of Education will consider how and in what ways LfS can be better reflected across the framework. In addition, and as part of its role in considering relevant topics for national thematic inspection, HM Inspectors of Education will consider the need for a national thematic inspection on LfS.

7 c) The Care Inspectorate will consider how "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings plan, can be reflected in the development of future Early Learning and Childcare frameworks.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to Learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

Performance and improvement across the education system, ELC and CLD as well as other relevant areas across Scottish Government.

7a Lead: Scottish Government.

7b Lead: HMIE.

7c Lead:

The Care Inspectorate.

Commencing Spring 2023, completing mid-2024.

Timescale to be confirmed if/when How Good Is Our School is reviewed/updated.

Timescale to be confirmed in line with timescale for the development of a framework for ELC services, including childminding and school-aged childcare, completed by April 2024.


New Action

Policy Coherence for LfS

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings

8 a) Scottish Government will maximise the opportunities for LfS to be embedded in wider reforms to education, completing a further "stock take" update on connections between LfS and education reform by Dec 2023.

8 b) Scottish Government will seek to utilise internal and cross-UK civil service networks in order to share Scotland's approach to LfS across the UK and internationally, and to learn from other nations.

8 c) Scottish Government will develop a dedicated set of actions to support and enhance LfS within Gaelic Medium Education (GME). This will recognise and build on work already underway to ensure Gaelic versions of relevant leadership courses are available.

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability should be established.

Education reform.

Poverty-related attainment gap.

Gaelic Medium Education (GME).

Wide range of broader policies including children's rights,

climate change, circular economy, biodiversity, economic strategy, international development, Wellbeing and Sustainable Development Bill, further and higher education, early learning and childcare, community learning and development.

8 a – c: Scottish Government.

Stock take on LfS and education reforms completed by Autumn 2023.

SG action to develop UK and international networks will commence April 2023 and continue up to 2030.

The list of actions on LfS and GME will be developed by early 2024.


New Action

LfS and Professional Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Education Scotland will work with relevant partners to ensure that LfS is better embedded in all relevant leadership programmes across the school, early learning and childcare, GME and community learning sectors and in line with the relevant standards relating to General Teaching Council of Scotland, Scottish Social Services Council and Community Learning and Development Standards Council. This work will be closely aligned and integrated with the work to create the new LfS mentor role.

In line with General Teaching Council for Scotland Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Wide range of policies and contexts in early learning and childcare, school, and community learning and development.

Education Scotland.

Relevant programmes to be identified by end 2023; commitments developed with relevant partners from early 2024 onwards.

Theme 2: Curriculum, Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Children and young people want to have opportunities to take part in LfS-related activities and to be able to gain qualifications that demonstrate this learning. This theme is about the experiences for learners and the support to educators to provide inspirational, relevant and impactful learning related to sustainability.



New Action / Strengthened Action


Vision 2030+ Strategic Objective

Policy & practice context

System lead


Curriculum, Learning, Teaching, and Assessment


New Action

LfS Qualifications and Pathways

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) Partnership will provide enhanced support to all programme providers involved in the development of new LfS-related qualifications. The aim is to ensure that such programmes can be recognised, and credit rated for inclusion in the SCQF Framework.

  • Phase 1 of this work will complete over the course of financial year 22/23.
  • Phase 2 of this programme will take place financial year 23/24.

All learners should have an entitlement to Learning for Sustainability.

Learner Pathways, Implementation of Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment, National Discussion on Education.

SCQF Partnership.

Phase 1 of this work will complete over the course of financial year 22/23.

Phase 2 of this programme will take place financial year 23/24, subject to funding being in place.


Strengthened Action

Collaborative Partnership for LfS

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Scottish Government, Education Scotland and relevant national agencies and bodies will engage with partners to look at how to provide better support and advice to support collaboration on LfS at national, local, regional and local cluster level. HM Inspectors of Education will also work to share examples of good practice through relevant channels.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to Learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

Professional Development for Educators, Regional Improvement Collaboratives.

Scottish Government, Education Scotland, HM Inspectors of Education and relevant partners.

Report to be delivered to LfS Leadership group by mid 2024.


New Action

Collaborative Partnership for LfS at Regional & National Level

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Education Scotland will further strengthen, connect and coordinate LfS networks to enable them to build a central role in building the movement of change required for this action plan.The networks will include members from:

  • National policy and national agency roles
  • Local and regional strategic and improvement roles
  • Education leaders and practitioners
  • Children and young people
  • Partner organisations and stakeholders

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability should be established.

Leadership, Professional Development for Educators, Regional Improvement Collaboratives.

Education Scotland.

Networks operational and connected by end March 2024.

Theme 3: Learning Environment and Resources

Outdoor Learning is a crucial aspect of this theme. The Children's Parliament research which helped to inform this plan, asked that "All children should have the chance to learn outdoors throughout the school year" and "Outdoor learning should be part of every school subject." But outdoor learning is not the only aspect. The research for this plan demonstrated that learners and educators want to ensure that their settings are taking a whole-setting and community approach. The theme therefore covers all of the factors which influence the learning environment. Resources such as the people involved in the learning environment, the buildings, grounds, wider community spaces and connections to nature and resources. It is about every single step that can be taken by education settings, local authorities and national agencies to support net zero, to support children's rights and citizenship including procurement arrangements, local and education setting policies and strategies, framework agreements, contracts, transport, materials and maintenance.



New Action / Strengthened Action


Vision 2030+ Strategic Objective

Policy & practice context

System lead


Learning Environment and Resources


New Action

Learning Estate – Barriers and Solutions In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings

13 a) Scottish Government and Education Scotland will identify and map the key procedural and policy barriers to effective whole setting approaches to LfS, reporting back to the wider LfS Leadership Group. This work will examine issues such as procurement and policies (e.g. sourcing energy providers, catering/other food provenance and provision, sourcing of equipment, transport providers, maintenance contractors and their practices) as well as wider strategic and leadership barriers.

13 b) Education Scotland will complete a mapping exercise to gather and share good practice examples on the whole-setting approach to LfS. Key examples and a list of key support organisations, programmes and funding streams will be shared via the new LfS portal.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to Learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels. All setting buildings, grounds and policies should support Learning for Sustainability.

School Estate Strategy, Environment Strategy for Scotland, Biodiversity Strategy, Net Zero,

National Planning Framework 4 – 20 minute neighbourhood approach.

Scottish Government and Education Scotland.

"Barriers" exercise to commence mid 2023, and to complete/report by end March 2024.

Mapping exercise to commence autumn 2023, completing summer 2024.


New Action

An "LfS Compliant Learning Estate – Guidance and Policy

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings:

14 a) Scottish Futures Trust will collaborate with key partners including the LfS Leadership Group, Scottish Government (School Funding, Infrastructure and Organisation team) and local authorities, to encourage Scotland's Learning Estate Strategy "10 principles" to become part of Local Authorities' estates guidance and Learning Estate Strategies.

14 b) In the event that existing School Premises Regulations are updated, Scottish Government will liaise with local government to carefully consider LfS as part of any updated regulations.

14 c) Scottish Government will take steps to ensure that all relevant third sector organisations working in education settings and grant-funded by Scottish Government strengthen the" LfS-compliant" estates and capital equipment requirements within their activities. There will be a specific focus on the expectations set out in the LfS Estates Design Brief.

All setting buildings, grounds and policies should support Learning for Sustainability.

Play Strategy, Environment Strategy for Scotland,

Biodiversity Strategy, Climate Change Plan, Heat in Buildings Strategy, Scottish Energy Strategy.

Scottish Futures Trust.

All actions commence April 2023 with publication of the strengthened LfS Plan with progress reviewed regularly by the LfS Leadership Group.


New Action

An "LfS" Compliant Learning Estate – Tools and Resources

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Scottish Government and Education Scotland will work with key partners to encourage the use of the Place Standard as a curriculum tool, as a key part of community planning and spatial planning processes and as a means to inform the design brief for learning settings.

Every setting should have a whole-setting approach to learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

Play Strategy, Environment Strategy for Scotland.

Scottish Government and Education Scotland.

Commencing April 2023 with progress reviewed regularly by the LfS Leadership Group.


New Action

Outdoor Learning within LfS

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings:

16 a) The Scottish Government will create a new policy workstream on Outdoor Learning. This work will be supported by a national working group which will report to Scottish Ministers. The Group will be challenged to pursue a range of actions to ensure that all children receive entitlements to outdoor learning in all its forms.

16 b) NatureScot will collaborate with relevant partners to:

promote the use of the Nature Discovery Map Scotland, and;

pilot the use of the Nature Discovery Map Scotland and other resources in linking education settings to nature networks and growing the use of local greenspace.

Every setting should have a whole setting approach to learning for Sustainability that is robust, demonstrable, evaluated and supported by leadership at all levels.

All setting buildings, grounds and policies should support Learning for Sustainability.

Outdoor learning.

Scottish Government.


New outdoor learning workstream and accompanying national working group will be in place by end 2023.

Promotion and piloting will take place from April 2023 onwards.

Theme 4: Learner Voice, Choice and Action

LfS is about supporting learners to make informed choices relating to their learning, helping them to develop and flourish and to be empowered. Recognising the fundamental relationship between rights and the concept of LfS, Learner Voice, Choice and Action is a key theme in this plan; building a culture where rights are embedded across practice, and; supporting learners to take action and to effect change as local and global citizens.



New Action / Strengthened Action


Vision 2030+ Strategic Objective

Policy & practice context

System lead


Learner Voice and Choice and Action


New Action

Collaborative Partnership for LfS

In support of "Target 2030" and specifically to ensure continued meaningful engagement of learner voice in this plan, Scottish Government will convene national LfS Children and Young People Leadership Groups. The groups will be invited to codesign key deliverables in this plan including the new LfS online portal and development of Key LfS indicators.

All learners should have an entitlement to Learning for Sustainability.

UNCRC, National Discussion, Net Zero Nation.

Scottish Government and children and young people organisations.

Initial design and development of groups will commence April 2023, with their work formally commencing later in 2023.


New Action

Collaborative Partnership for LfS

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, and in parallel with the work to create a mentor network for educators, Scottish Government and Education Scotland will establish peer LfS networks for children and young people. The networks will build on existing eco committees, they will be designed to support young people to connect better with one another, to share their experiences of LfS, and to share their strategies to effect change within their education setting.

All learners should have an entitlement to Learning for Sustainability.

UNCRC, National Discussion, Net Zero Nation.

Scottish Government, Education Scotland and children and young people organisations.

Initial concept to be developed during the course of 2023/24 with commencement of networks during the course of 2024/25.


Strengthened Action

LfS Qualifications and Pathways

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings

20 a) The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), in partnership with Education Scotland, Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) and other organisations, will collaborate to ensure LfS is visible and supported through all existing and new qualifications and pathways, including the development of new qualifications where required.

20 b) Skills Development Scotland (SDS), will collaborate with key partners to identify and raise awareness of how and in what ways LfS-relevant qualifications and pathways can lead to high quality careers, including green jobs resulting from the transition to net zero.A key focus for this action will be supporting learners transitioning from education into college, university or employment to choose career paths that support a sustainable future, including 'green jobs'. Key partners include Education Scotland, the Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan Implementation Steering Group, Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC), Developing the Young Workforce groups, networks and programmes.

All learners should have an entitlement to Learning for Sustainability.

Learner Pathways, Implementation of Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment, National Discussion on Education.

SQA, Education Scotland and SCQF Partnership and SDS.

Activity will commence April 2024 and will continue up to the plan's conclusion.

Theme 5: Meaning and Understanding

A key finding from the research which informed this plan is the need to ensure that all relevant stakeholders have a shared understanding of LfS, together with its values and scope. The meaning and understanding theme is about providing a clearer definition and criteria for LfS to make the concept more accessible to educators, leaders in schools, early learning and childcare, community learning settings, local authorities and education organisations.



New Action / Strengthened Action


Vision 2030+ Strategic Objective

Policy & practice context

System lead


Meaning and Understanding


New Action

LfS "Target 2030" – Support and Advice – LfS Portal

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Education Scotland, with funding from Scottish Government, will commission the development of a LfS Portal covering all themes and aspects of LfS. The new portal will:

  • provide an accessible way for all to share understanding of LfS, its values and its practice.
  • share practical examples of ongoing work and practice.
  • provide access to practical, "educator / young person relevant" resources and advice.
  • signpost to available professional learning opportunities.
  • be co-designed with input from educators and children and young people.
  • seek to provide targeted support to those in rural, remote, island and areas or deprivation, ensuring equity and equality.
  • align with the principle of "Digital by Default".

A strategic national approach to supporting Learning for Sustainability (LfS) should be established.

Sustainable Development Goals, Professional Development for Educators.

Education Scotland with input from LfS Leadership Group.

Commissioning process to commence October 2023, with portal in place by August 2024.


Strengthened Action

Career-long Professional Learning (CLPL) for LfS

Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) will further improve its engagement with the teaching profession to ensure that LfS is embedded in teaching practice in line with GTCS's new strategic objectives. This will include continued promotion and development of the GTCS LfS Hub and consideration of how GTCS can best support the practitioner component of the new "Target 2030" commitment.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Professional Development for Educators.

GTCS and Initial Teacher Education institutions.

Activity will commence April 2024 and will continue up to the plan's conclusion.


New Action

CLPL for LfS – Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Scottish Government will work with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) and relevant partners to scope out and report back on how LfS should be better embedded in all benchmark qualifications in Childhood Practice and HNC[1] and SVQ[2] routes to early learning and childcare. This will help to ensure that early learning and childcare practitioners at all levels develop their LfS skills in line with the Strategic Framework for Scotland's Early Learning and School Age Childcare Profession.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Early Learning and Childcare.

Scottish Government, SQA and SSSC.

Scoping work to commence Spring 2023, reporting by early 2024.


Strengthened Action

CLPL for LfS – Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Scottish Government will work with Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) to ensure that:

  • LfS practice in early learning is disseminated and shared with all practitioners in line with the Strategic Framework for Scotland's Early Learning and School Age Childcare Profession;
  • LfS is embedded in all pathways and routes to early learning and community learning, and;
  • LfS is explored in SSSC Code of Practice for early learning and childcare and community learning staff.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Realising the Ambition, Out to Play,Strategic Framework for Scotland's Early Learning and School Age Childcare Profession.

Scottish Government and SSSC.

Activity will commence April 2024 and will continue up to the plan's conclusion.


Strengthened Action

CLPL, Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, Education Scotland and the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE) will establish a new national working group which will create a single national approach to support LfS within Initial Teacher Education.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Professional Development for Educators.

Education Scotland and Scottish Council of Deans.

Working group to be in place by December 2023


New Action

CLPL, Leadership and Standards

In support of "Target 2030" Sustainable Learning Settings, the Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) will work with early learning and childcare programme providers to ensure that the contribution of LfS is disseminated and taken into account in the standards for benchmark qualifications on Childhood Practice qualifications and HNC[3] and SVQ[4] routes into early learning and childcare.

In line with GTCS Professional Standards, every practitioner, setting and education leader should demonstrate Learning for Sustainability in their practice.

Professional Development for Educators.

Scottish Government, Education Scotland and SSSC.

Activity will commence April 2024 and will continue up to the plan's conclusion.



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