Coronavirus (COVID-19) targeted community testing: national evaluation evidence and insights - final report

This report summarises evidence and insights at a national level from evaluation of targeted community testing (TCT). The report covers the period 18 January 2021 to 26 September 2021.


ATS - Asymptomatic test site (alternative term for CAT)

CAT - Community asymptomatic testing (alternative term for ATS)

LFT - Lateral flow test

MTU - Mobile testing unit (SAS operated)

NPI - Non-pharmaceutical Intervention

PCR - Type of test used for those with COVID-19 symptoms

PHS - Public Health Scotland

PPE - Personal protective equipment

SAS - Scottish Ambulance Service

SEPA - Scottish Environmental Protection Agency

TCT - Targeted community testing

VOC - Variant of concern

WW - Wastewater



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