
Coronavirus (COVID-19) targeted community testing: national evaluation evidence and insights - final report

This report summarises evidence and insights at a national level from evaluation of targeted community testing (TCT). The report covers the period 18 January 2021 to 26 September 2021.


1. Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested in Scotland - (

2. Asymptomatic is defined as the absence of self-perceived or clinically recognisable symptoms combined with a positive COVID-19 test and could refer to people who may either have no symptoms at all, mild unspecified symptoms or symptoms but not the three classic recognised COVID-19 symptoms, or be presymptomatic - Asymptomatic COVID-19 infection: diagnosis, transmission, population characteristics | BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

3. Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested in Scotland - (

4. Asymptomatic is defined as the absence of self-perceived or clinically recognisable symptoms combined with a positive COVID-19 test and could refer to people who may either have no symptoms at all, mild unspecified symptoms or symptoms but not the three classic recognised COVID-19 symptoms, or be presymptomatic - Asymptomatic COVID-19 infection: diagnosis, transmission, population characteristics | BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.

5. Community Asymptomatic Test site opens in Johnstone - (

6. Universal Offer refers to the availability of LFT kits to anyone (without symptoms of COVID-19) wishing to order them. They can be ordered either online, by telephone or can be picked up from a local test centre

7. Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Statistical Report – Public Health Scotland , COVID-19 Statistical Report As at 27 September 2021, Publication date: 29 September 2021

8. COVID-19 Daily Dashboard | Tableau Public.

9. Well known

10. Public Health Scotland COVID-19 Statistical Report p27

11. This includes data from the pilot

12. Liverpool Covid-SMART Community Testing Pilot Evaluation Report 17 June 2021; Evaluation of the Lateral Flow Device Testing Pilot for COVID-19 in Merthyr Tydfil and the lower Cynon Valley (

13. Public attitudes to coronavirus: tracker - data tables - (

14. S0908_Wastewater_C19_monitoring_SAGE.pdf (

15. Scottish Government (2021) Asymptomatic Testing Programme Evaluation: November 2020 – June 2021

16. Public attitudes to coronavirus: tracker - data tables - (



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